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19 March 2015
We all have them, we've discussed this 'till the cows come home.. we like what we like. Simple..
But does that mean you have the right to throw it at anyone who says hello to you? Does that mean you have the right to treat someone who is not within your preferences, like shit?
Or is that simply bad manners and a reflection on the true person(s) and their attitude? x


9 November 2015
It’s natural to have preferences in all things as you said it’s what we like ...
I don’t all fit everyone’s preferences,I don’t say hello to everyone, I don’t get replies from everyone,that happens every where not just here ...
I usually find those that give it , don’t like it back ..... and can’t see what they do is just bad manners because it’s their normal daily attitude..

Deleted member 11852

I think personally it’s definitely down to bad manners..for some reason and I haven’t got a clue why but some people think paying them a compliment somehow means I want to get you into bed and do all kinds with you..when actually it’s nothing of the kind there’s no kind of advance or anything there just a compliment so how the hell do some people decide your not there preference from that,, then continue to tell you in a no uncertain terms they don’t want anything to do with you..too many things get misunderstood..a compliment is just that..rant over..W..


Every one has preferences, sometimes we match each others and great things happen, that's true in RL as well as here, if we don't see eye to eye we can still all get on, unless someone decides to be an asshat and make an issue out of it. Then they've done the hard work for us?


18 July 2015
Most of us have them. We do and know what we like/ dislike. It’s human nature. Manners play a big part, if you are ignorant then it’s a big no and sadly there is a lot of that about. Stuck up your own arse and think you’re a cut above. No Thankyou.
We love personality, someone you know you can spend time with, without jumping in the sack. Spend an evening together having laughs. It’s not about picking someone, doing what you got to do and moving on. It’s not about how many numbers you have in your directory. It’s about the laughs, friendship and sex all in one.
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