Okay, so, to allow us to explain what we're doing.
As mentioned here;
We have some significant site-wide changes coming into effect. This means also the structure of the forums amongst other things.
Hopefully what
@Pearls has highlighted here, also explains some things;
Anything important you need to be aware of then we would mention it, we are simply re-structuring the place so there will be a little chaos here and there but nothing has changed. I hope you can appreciate this.
Some things we posted were not for the public eye when we posted them.
Totally get that but I also must ask you a question;
What is stopping anyone from joining without any - avatar, information, photos, using a throwaway email address and then viewing your content? What are the differences?
My point is, though it is cautionary to members (the notice) - does it really prevent anyone from joining (who could seriously be anyone) and viewing your content?
Ah, so what it says isn't actually the fact?
What you will all see whilst we do this, is public notices being displayed in areas which may not specifically be within the public eye, or even yes they could be (but in a different area).
This is while we restructure the whole site, significantly the forums' side of things, to try and make the site an overall easier and pleasant experience for all.
I.E less clutter, easier to navigate and easier to use overall. Ease of use = more fun.
As with anything, even say waterworks on your main road in town - we cannot do these essential tasks without some level of disruption whether minor or major.
This evening's change is a minor one as far as these things go.
Hope this explains things.
Thanks all.