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Rules and boundaries


18 July 2015
Most of us have them, we made ours when we started almost 20yrs ago and have stuck to them, we don’t have a long list and tbf there are only two that won’t be bent.
I honestly believe by sticking to this, it has kept us on this journey.

Do you have strict rules or is it a case of try anything that goes?
28 December 2021
I was married when I started swinging and we set rules and boundaries as a couple and stuck to them. There were occasions when we changed these due to becoming close friends (I’m still friends with some of them still) with couples and the odd single male.

Now I’m a single male I know how important it is to respect the rules and boundaries of couples and singles.

Everything in swinging is about communication and consent from all parties. Without these things don’t work and relationships become strained and occasionally self destruct.

If you’re not comfortable with something speak up. No means no and not maybe.
17 August 2021
No rules.
I don't want to do anything that would limit my chances.
If I ever figure out how you people find all these partners with such ease, maybe I will set some rules.
But, since odds are the best I can hope for is once in my lifetime, I don't want to miss it.
Reactions: Pearls


11 December 2016
Do you have strict rules or is it a case of try anything that goes?

I think most people have boundaries, afterall we all have different likes, dislikes and fetishes but we can't expect others to enjoy everything we do. We wouldn't get involved in something we didn't enjoy or meet others who we know, or suspected, are not all they say they are, so yes we have boundaries.
10 March 2015
There are some standard ones that seem to be pretty widespread (no pee, poo, blood etc), always safe sex, no receiving "A" for either of us, no cum on face or in mouth (again, for either of us lol!), no "taking one for the team"...in other words, total honesty, if we dont both like our potential play partner(s), then it doesnt happen. We play as a couple, although this isnt an "absolute" rule...at a club or party it's not unheard of for one of us to play solo, but we always make sure the other is aware and happy with this, and obviously Jayne's safety is a priority.
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