Sanitary Towel Poverty Advert....

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19 March 2015
So an ad pops up on the box, while I'm working and HRH is watching shite on the TV.
What pops up?
Sanitary help for children in need in the U.K.

Yes, you read right - in, the, United Kingdom... here. Sanitary help for schoolgirls.
Now, without going down the political route;

No bastard offered me dunkers in my day!!
It was a Twix or Mars Bar wrapper, or face the steel and family planning clinic!
What say you?

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Unfortunately many many many young girls living in poverty and living in hardship
Do not have the protection they require

People find this hard to believe
But it's in every community
Girls and women are confined to house because they cant afford to pay the costs


Stud Muffin
11 May 2017
It's a bit bonkers tbh I agree with what @Sammy said and sanatary items are tbh overpriced for basically what they are used for. But didn't you know they are a luxury item and have been classed as such for years just so the government can tax them. So I can see the need for this however company's that make extra money out of it because they are named fancy or have wings is just bonkers. I say lower the price to something exceptable and affordable and stop the luxury item bullshit. It's sticking something up your chuff to stop a mess and oh we love suffering that every month. Sorry I didn't intend to rant lol



9 November 2015
So an ad pops up on the box, while I'm working and HRH is watching shite on the TV.
What pops up?
Sanitary help for children in need in the U.K.

Yes, you read right - in, the, United Kingdom... here. Sanitary help for schoolgirls.
Now, without going down the political route;

No bastard offered me dunkers in my day!!
It was a Twix or Mars Bar wrapper, or face the steel and family planning clinic!
What say you?

A mars bar wrapper :palm: did you sellotape it on or use a cable tie ? :confused:
Isn’t it slightly different matter the need for sanitary products which for a lady are essentials .... and should be tax free ....
26 May 2017
I have seen the ad on several occasions and I understand the need to make people aware but please don’t show it when I am just about to eat

Deleted member 6485

they are a luxury item and have been classed as such for years just so the government can tax them
:eek:...really? Necessity more so than a luxury speaking from personal experience of course x
19 March 2015
Well, yes. I'm very much aware of the poverty issue. The rest of my post was clearly tongue in cheek... :palm: ;)
25 July 2016
***(Warning may cause you to cringe)***

Is that where the saying " From rags to riches" comes from then
9 August 2018
In a past life I used to work with disadvantaged young people and we had a box full of the stuff, it was often donated by the local church or when it was running out we topped it up. this was 2004 nothings changing fast sadly
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19 March 2015
It's massively sad that we're in (still) days of poverty stricken households and situations, where basic necessities such as sanitary hygiene products - are amiss and unattainable for some women/girls. Which was my main OP though tongue in cheek with it too. Sorry state of affairs.
Think this should/could be moved to debates really.
24 November 2015
Did you know if you check out the batch code on the packets of sanitary products they are all made by the same company so always wings cost you in average £1,50 where as asdas own brand cost you 55p the same with tampons


Very very sad that in one of the top seven richest countries in the world that women/girls are in so much poverty that they cant afford sanitary towels :(
26 July 2016
Kinda glad this has come up as i mentioned this advert to my wife a few weeks back kinda dismissing it and got my head bitten off.
Seems we cant always blame the state for such things as in her case it was just her farther would not give her money to buy such things as a young girl. No wonder we dont have anything to do with him. Taxing such a thing is well out of order in my eyes