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Do people find it a no no or a yes if your sexting someone while your with someone else im curious as ive been asked by my mate do I do that given my lifestyle a very firm no for me its disrespectful to who your with
Depends on the txt and who its for/from.
Family work.. and pressing matters.. yes..
Someone else from the swinging paternity
NO its disrespectful.. as far as I'm concerened.. if i was with someone, they would have my undivided attention..
For me the same goes, discussing details of a meet... with other people.
Its private.


Having said that i dont do sexting.. i get tongue tied..
Unless get your allan wickers off counts?


11 August 2015
No, its disrespectful to the person you are with. If you are continually sexting someone else then maybe you should be with them and not the peron you are with at the time.
Reactions: bill90125

Deleted member 1402

I don't do sexting, but if I did, I wouldn't do it in the company of someone, it's rather disrespectful.
I've faff ed about on my phone in front of company and now realise that it's jolly rude of me, so won't be doing that again.
Reactions: Pearls

No longer with us

No, its disrespectful to the person you are with. If you are continually sexting someone else then maybe you should be with them and not the peron you are with at the time.
Totally agree...the meet can't be going that well then xx
Reactions: Pearls
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