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So Invite Over...

  • Thread starter meet_the_fockers
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15 September 2014
Besides mr Bump is quietly cute..
And mr F is still trying put his tongue away after seeing the delighful mrs grind. X
Mr Bump is indeed a gentleman. Having spoken to him for several hours on the phone, but not met yet (sadly but will) - definitely a quietly spoken gent. That's true. x


Mr Bump is indeed a gentleman. Having spoken to him for several hours on the phone, but not met yet (sadly but will) - definitely a quietly spoken gent. That's true. x
Lol hes bonkers.. oof x


Mr Bump is indeed a gentleman. Having spoken to him for several hours on the phone, but not met yet (sadly but will) - definitely a quietly spoken gent. That's true. x
Ahh you think hes cute too... does he know lol

Deleted member 1030

We'd invite you all over for boiled eggs and absinthe. Lisa would provide the entertainment with her bird-calls of the New World impressions and I would dance the Gay Gordons with anyone who might freaked out by the sound of a Venezualan troupial


We'd invite you all over for boiled eggs and absinthe. Lisa would provide the entertainment with her bird-calls of the New World impressions and I would dance the Gay Gordons with anyone who might freaked out by the sound of a Venezualan troupial

Id have you all over have a huge bbq light the chimnea..
Crack open the beers, crank up the music... and put the bubbles on the hot tub!! X
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Deleted member 1402

I never invite anyone to mine, it's a shit hole. Instead, I move in with Sir and trash the place!
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