Socially new!

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14 May 2018
Hi there, so I'm new to the Social Swinging site having given up with a not quite so 'Fab'ulous site that was too hard work and not fun in the slightest. Naughty, seductive, alluring, intriguing and arousing fun is what it's all about.

So hi, I'd love to chat, maybe meet who knows and if its right. I travel on business a lot (yep I know!) and having a girl in every port is soooo untrue! Contrary to friends and family.

Well anyway look forward to reading the forums, seeing what's going on and being Social!
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Reactions: Deleted member 1030


Welcome on board good ship Ss

Great to see you jump in join the forum

You'll soon find yer way round honest

Staff and natives are fab and always willing to give you a helping hand

Enjoy you won't regret the move
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Reactions: Orologist
4 January 2018
A big welcome to the ss community look forward to seeing you on threads n forums they dont bite honestly mwah x
19 March 2015
Hi there, so I'm new to the Social Swinging site having given up with a not quite so 'Fab'ulous site that was too hard work and not fun in the slightest. Naughty, seductive, alluring, intriguing and arousing fun is what it's all about.

So hi, I'd love to chat, maybe meet who knows and if its right. I travel on business a lot (yep I know!) and having a girl in every port is soooo untrue! Contrary to friends and family.

Well anyway look forward to reading the forums, seeing what's going on and being Social!
Hello and welcome to Social Swinging. Hope you enjoy and have fun. Activity plays a key part in this, also try and attend some upcoming events too. Hope you get the best out of the site (y)