Well, as you may tell by the length of some of my posts I prefer to talk rather than text or whatever.
The reason for this is simple.
I always like to give as much detail when replying to someone or trying to get a point across so that I can avoid, as much as possible, my posts/texts or whatever being misinterpreted or coming across in the wrong way.
There have been times when I've tried to be concise and ended up inadvertently offending someone or they've totally missed the point I was trying to make.
There have been several occasions when women I have been chatting to on ****** or ****** etc. have actually told me off because, according to them, my posts have been too long. They say they get bored waiting for my reply (if that isn't a sign of the modern culture of "I want it NOW" I don't know what is.
If I'm asked a question I like to try to give a full answer. One classic example was when a woman asked me to explain what I meant by High Protocol position training and grew impatient as I failed to convey the complexities involved in less than 10 words
It''s very easy to get into trouble when trying to put something into the written word quickly and concisely. Especially if it's a subject that is controversial and you have a long, painful and complicated background story that led to you having that current view and you are stressed out. It can easily lead you to miss out a lot of reasoning and using inappropriate words to try and make a point that is then lost anyway because people, quite rightly, get offended.
Not that that would ever happen to me of course
I know that, at least in my case, I find it far easier and for me to present a reasonable, more cogent argument in five minutes of chatting to someone (and of course you can immediately respond to any concerns raised before things get out of hand) than any number of pages written dialogue.
S, I agree with
@Lips_Pearls in that I prefer talking to texting/posting etc
I've done it again, haven't I? Droned on and bored everyone by writing so much!!
Point proven LOL
Antogs xx