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The Future Of Sex And Females

23 February 2016
Port Melbourne
What I am finding a lot these days when having friends over for dinner and other social gatherings is the discussions popping up on the whole female dominance movement that seems to be taking over the world at the moment. We have the MeToo movement, equal opportunity, and much more so much so that here in Australia irrespective of whether a male or female is suited to a job or not, many government entities are mandating an equal 50/50 employment of males and females. This includes Firefighters, you know people who run into burning building and carry adults out on their shoulders. I for one really hope that I don't find myself in a burning building and a female says to me "sorry I can't lift you so goodbye".

Anyway, I decided to do some research on the very topic of irrespective of equal opportunity, what does the future hold for mankind, what is really needed in the macro sense for mankind to survive the future? Because an interesting fact is that the United Nations predict that the Earth can in its current state only support between 8 to 16 billion people, scientists believe that 10 billion is more likely the maximum the Earth can sustain (ref: HERE). With this in mind it is believed that by the end of the century we will have 11 billion people. This is greater than what scientists believe the Earth can sustain.

So what do we do to reduce the number of people and give planet Earth a lot longer life yet still keep an acceptable population growth/turnover...Females are no longer needed in the world.

Now I bet that gets a lot of people going

Lets look at some facts why:
1. In the last 10 years there has been a 1,000% growth in male sex toy production (ref: HERE)
2. A Male is the only human type that can manufacture life (the manufacture of sperm)
3. Females do not manufacture life as they are born with eggs that come from around 7 million oocytes in a 16 to 20 week female fetus. This drops to a result of around 400 actual eggs at puberty. At 16-20 weeks gestation a legal abortion can still be performed and after the harvesting of those oocytes. (ref: HERE)
4. In 2010, an artificial womb (ovary) was developed that can mature harvested oocytes into viable eggs (ref: HERE)
5. It was once considered theory that Males could be implanted with a fertilised egg that would be attached to a blood supply in the abdomen and carry a fetus to full term and give birth via a cesarean however it was considered very risky in the old days. Now an artificial womb can be implanted into a male who can then easily give birth (ref: HERE)

So, Males don't need to have sex with a female as they now have a vast variety of lifelike sex toys plus they can carry and give birth to male babies with the females fetuses being used purely as a source of oocytes and then the female fetus is terminated in under 20 weeks.

See, females are not needed BUT Males are if civilisation is to continue.

If this was implemented today, in 100 years the Earths population would drop, by just under what the Earth's total population is today, by at least 6 billion from what it was going to be making our planet more sustainable of continuing human life.

Hey, don't shoot the messenger...these are just facts that often come up in conversations had in social gathering that have been brought about by the push for total domination by females of today
Reactions: Pearls


Stud Muffin
11 May 2017
You have just thrown this at drunk people on a Friday night good luck with that



Stud Muffin
11 May 2017
Well this is interesting reading but I refer you to professor James Brown...
Reactions: Pearls
19 March 2015
Wow. Quite interesting, but am surprised that no one's bitten to this yet;
.Females are no longer needed in the world.
Reactions: Therapon
18 October 2015
Well to all you men that think this is the way forward then crack on. I'm just thinking about how you'll manage the child care and chores when man flu strikes
26 July 2016
Thinking to myself you crack on with having a 5 knuckle shuffel and i will go have a shag. I have a much simpler method of getting population numbers down. LETS HAVE A WAR. We could raise an army and go attack someone all the blokes will be away fighting so no shagging hence no babies we kill a few hundred million and hey presto problem solved. Not only is the problem solved we have also just made the really rich even richer as they own the factories that will be working day and night to feed the war effort. The male population will have been vastly reduced so unemployment is zero forcing wages up so everyone is happy except the poor buggers who get killed or maimed. Lets have a new slogan. MAKE WAR NOT LOVE AND SAVE THE PLANET.
23 February 2016
Port Melbourne
I would like to say that I may not support the message given in my post, I love my wife and love sex with her, but I just find the subject interesting and with high potential for some interesting discussion/friendly debate.

I am a web developer and have several forum web sites covering different specific subjects, no not swinging, but I also posted the same post in one of them and it has some interesting replies...you can read them HERE

Another interesting confine of this subject is that perhaps a solution may not be needed as, if you believe in God, that God has a solution in the form of homosexuality. Did you know that a recent survey taken with teenagers showed that in the last 3 years there has been a 35% increase in homosexuality. Recent surveys are now showing that LESS THAN 50% of teenagers today refer to themself as hetrosexual meaning that most teenagers now are NOT hetrosexual. At this rate this could stifle human reproduction causing major negative population growth within the next 5 years

I know...I really am strange and have too much time on my hands
19 March 2015
Now then, this is very interesting. From our POV we've seen a huge increase in teens describing themselves as TS or incorrect gender and so forth. Additionally, as you rightly pointed out, homosexuality is on the increase.
As is vegetarianism and veganism.
So my question there is; is it now 'popular' to identify yourself as a transgender person or to identify as someone who is bisexual/gay/lesbian.
Is it now fashionable I think is what I am saying. Purely because the increase is massive. Hell, only a few weeks ago our 10 year old told us that one of his friends in school, female and 10 - also stated she's transgender and should be a boy! Is it due to media? Hype... publicity?
Or is it genuinely because people are more comfortable in coming forward and being open about their sexuality and gender?
5 July 2016
Cheers OP you've just condemned the whole MALE population to death and I'll tell you why for. Women are probably considering your points and thinking:-

1. In the last 10 years there has been a 1,000% growth in male sex toy production

1. Women don't need sex toys. There's already billions on the planet plus they can (and do) use common household items or produce.

2. A Male is the only human type that can manufacture life (the manufacture of sperm)

2. They could get 3.5 billion men to have a wank (we wouldn't even resist the handjob) and freeze the sperm for as long as necessary. The kicker is, if they start running out they can selectively breed some more males back into the population and produce more sperm .

3. Number 3 is irrelevant as they can just defrost the sperm from point number 2.

4. In 2010, an artificial womb (ovary) was developed that can mature harvested oocytes into viable eggs

4. Again irrelevant as women already have the womb and ovaries so it's one more logical point to get rid of males.

5. See point number 4.

Baldricks point number 6 - The planet would smell nicer with billions of unrestricted women having potpourri all over the place.

On the downside all the beaches of the world would be destroyed as women pick up all the little shells and pebbles to put in pots in living rooms worldwide.

In the end though the human race would still be destroyed in 100 years time caused by the destruction of the Ozone Layer from billions of women all lighting trillions of Yankee Candles , therefore to sum up we might as well just keep on having all this wonderful sex with each other .

B x
23 February 2016
Port Melbourne
Very interesting, and funny, replies there and I think @Lips_Pearls has hit the nail on the head there in respect of the media and its contribution to society and the directions the world takes...well done...it's a pity we don't live close as I am sure you would enjoy one of our dinner parties. How this conversation started was someone raising the point that Matt Damon is moving to Australia and there was a report that he was running away due to his comments on the MeToo campaign. Now when you get a group of University Professors/Lecturers together for dinner conversations can go anywhere depending on the amount of wine consumed...but nevertheless they are always interesting...much like I am sure they went with Einstein at the dinner table, do you think they talked about the footy?

I am sure @DiamondJoe wouldn't be able to contribute anything if all he can do is attack people he has never met or knows nothing about

@Baldricknkaz great contribution from what I can only assume is from a female perspective and yes you are perfectly correct in my opinion that a female solution is also feasible...huge thanks for the other side of the coin
Reactions: Lips_Pearls
23 February 2016
Port Melbourne
@Baldricknkaz other side of coin post raises an even greater conversation piece...given the two differing possibilities should the situation ever arise I wonder who could potentially be the stronger sex to realise either scenario and most importantly...WHY?
Reactions: Lips_Pearls
9 September 2017
There can be no doubt that the biggest threat to the future of mankind is overpopulation.
It amazes me how little this issue is discussed. I suppose because in reality the problem cannot be solved. no politician is going to tell people they can't have children. And what would be the point anyway? It would only b delaying the inevitable.

It does make me smile when people bang on about global warming and the threat to the planet. Firstly the planet will be fine (well at least until our sun blows itself up) and secondly a perfect climate would only quicken man's demise as we all happily went around breeding like crazy.

I've done my bit to add towards the problem of overpopulation and quite honestly I pretty much gave up worrying about the future of mankind a long time ago.

Live for today as fundamentally life has no profound meaning. We are a magnificent accident of the cosmos so it's our duty to have a bloody good time whilst we're here
4 July 2017
I actually agree with 99% of that
Reactions: Pearls and Antogs
4 July 2017
What's the 1% you disagree with?

*Backs away already regretting asking"

B x
I'm not sure about the "perfect climate and we'd all have squillions of kids" bit but yeah, the basic premise - You're not talking about "Save the Planet" 'cos even if we fuck it up good and proper, give it a few million or even tens of millions of years and it will reset.

What you're talking about is Save the Human Race. We will destroy ourselves if we're not careful. And as a member, I'd prefer it if we had a bit longer to play on this planet.

The final point, about the meaninglessness of life, errmm, yeah. Quite possibly tbf. The point of life is life, the continuation of genes, but that's not especially comforting to us mere mortals as we are hurled through this short blip called life. But then, why should it be comforting in the slightest?

Humans go on about the beauty and majesty of nature - nah, mate, it's a brutal and often short existence out in the wild. We have music, art, culture... hot and cold running water ffs.

Humans are onto something - let's not completely fuck it up?
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Reactions: Pearls
5 July 2016

I will probably reply again to this tomorrow but in essence I agree.

We are totally out of balance with nature now and control some of it to a small degree but yes as the human races continues to accelerate towards self annihilation whatever happens nature will bounce back, as @Antogs says "until the sun blows itself up" (or expands anyway).

The only guaranteed way (in my opinion) to stop over popularization is to medically castrate people after they have had one or two children (btw this doesn't mean I'm advocating this). Obviously the general public isn't going to accept any Government telling them that this is going to be enforced so it's never going to happen meaning we shall continue to breed ourselves into extinction.

And on that cheerful note, I'm off to bed .

B x
Reactions: Pearls
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