Wow! We both started not too many years after Stew's book and sex was all a bit unadventurous (but still fantastic) until The Joy of Sex came out in 1972, happy memories of working through all the positions and most of the suggestions with friends. There were a couple of 3some pictures and one of a group swinging, had to wait for a few years before we did those. Still have the original book with hairy people having fun -
- there's apparently a new edition with porn-star types now. One thing they've cut out of the new version was this "Buttered Bun - Women who has recently had relations with another man; unexpected turn-on for some males. Psychoanalysts have long suspected that the motive in much wife-swapping and also the attraction of the prostitute who is a 'shared' woman was 'homosexual' in character - it's probably more accurate to say that it is a way in which primal bisexuality is used to cut down overt male aggression." That obviously refers to no condom swinging, would have thought that homosexual was the last thing going on there!
Anybody know if teenagers use sex-manuals these days or get all their knowledge from porn?