If sophistication and Chic are two words that describe your ideal event, then this one is for you.
Chic is a hosted black tie soiree, full of fun, sexy and extremely deviant and stunning young people. with an average age range of 21 to 40 this party is full on luxury with a wonderful helping of debauchery. If you wish to attend it is PRE-SOLD tickets only. Details are available on the club's website va2.co.uk
You will have full and exclusive use of the VA2 club including luxurious facilities such as newly refurbished play rooms, huge indoor hot tub and shower facilities. New DJ stand within the newly refurbished nightclub Outside hot tub and Ibiza lounge with its new fitted out and extremely well stocked fully licensed bars.
Welcoming you to on of the best nights of your lives we will be serving a fresh welcome cocktail or soft drink should you prefer.
Please do not just turn up on the door as there is an entry criteria set by Chic Events. You do not have to be a VA2 member for this event however you must have applied and purchased tickets, spaces are limited and we will be at full capacity.
Please note that being a VA2 member does not give you automatic entry to this event.
£60.00 Couples ticket
£25.00 Single female ticket
Chic is a hosted black tie soiree, full of fun, sexy and extremely deviant and stunning young people. with an average age range of 21 to 40 this party is full on luxury with a wonderful helping of debauchery. If you wish to attend it is PRE-SOLD tickets only. Details are available on the club's website va2.co.uk
You will have full and exclusive use of the VA2 club including luxurious facilities such as newly refurbished play rooms, huge indoor hot tub and shower facilities. New DJ stand within the newly refurbished nightclub Outside hot tub and Ibiza lounge with its new fitted out and extremely well stocked fully licensed bars.
Welcoming you to on of the best nights of your lives we will be serving a fresh welcome cocktail or soft drink should you prefer.
Please do not just turn up on the door as there is an entry criteria set by Chic Events. You do not have to be a VA2 member for this event however you must have applied and purchased tickets, spaces are limited and we will be at full capacity.
Please note that being a VA2 member does not give you automatic entry to this event.
£60.00 Couples ticket
£25.00 Single female ticket