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Time Waits For No Man.

19 March 2015
So, you want to meet, play, have fun and all that Jazz.
But you keep saying you have no time, no babysitters, someone has taken a back seat or is not interested...
but who is it that's stopping you? Yourselves, or the people you speak with?
Make the time. Find the time. Enjoy the time.
Don't make it a chore. Stop complaining.
Get on with it, have fun, enjoy and take it for what it is.
Stop making excuses and get out there!

We're a long time in that box. So #DoSomethingAboutIt x
Reactions: Celtic_Warrior
5 July 2016
This is so true. Time catches us all. Got to make the most of what we've got. True we all have our constraints, personal lives, family but there's always a need for a bit of playtime

4 January 2018
If you dont make time for yourself when you turn around life would habe passed you by you'd have got a few more grey hairs few more wrinkle so live n let live have some fun along the way
1 September 2018
Second that emotion.
We are traveling all the way from Cardiff to VA in a couple of weeks. You have to put in effort to receive the benefits.
Reactions: Therapon
19 March 2015
Second that emotion.
We are traveling all the way from Cardiff to VA in a couple of weeks. You have to put in effort to receive the benefits.
Yes, travelling from here (Swansea) to the VA takes us between 3-5 hours and is well worth it, but agreed - you have to put the effort in. It's too easy and too common for some to expect things to fall into their laps. It doesn't quite work like that really. Not in reality. Well, okay sometimes it does
But yes, effort goes a long way.

We've done the VA on a full weekend, I've had about 4 hours sleep on the whole weekend as in, Saturday night maybe two hours sleep max, and then had to drive home on the Sunday afternoon.
18 October 2015
We don't have quite as far to travel but it's still a couple of hours and lots have said why do you go that far with so many clubs on your doorstep. The honest answer is the people we have net previously and the ones we've yet to meet xx
Reactions: GeoffRy
19 May 2015
When i was a wide eyed youth and in basic training one instructor kept a plaque in his office "Cesare faciam hodie cras enim moriemur"
I Remembered this very clearly it means something along the the lines to cease the day as tomorrow we die. This was drilled into us to take today as a blessing as we know not what is around the corner.
Reactions: Therapon
19 March 2015
Absolutely. Summed up perfectly there.
Reactions: Pearls and Therapon

Deleted member 6684

Yes yes and yes, I have got to a couple of events this year. The biggest step was breaking the ice. Travelling is not my problem but finding the right alignment is always the issue for single guys/parents. It’s not an excuse but RL and kids take first priority. With that said, there have been a few planned 1:1s that hasn’t happened and that’s not for lack of effort on my side. I agree with the spirit of the post from @Admin and Miss @Pearls
Reactions: Deleted member 6485


11 December 2016
We finally got round to putting dates up to meet more members which are now full and in november going to fulfil a tick on the proverbial box and hit the club in blackpool , oh and we need cards @Admin cos by hook or by crook we're going xx


18 July 2015
We are always zipping about the country and have met some amazing people, it comes down to effort, we have tried organising a meet here in Swansea but for some reason or another it never happens we do prefer to travel I guess
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