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Tips For Meeting (varying Location)

27 November 2016
Hi all,

We have been to a couple of clubs and are beginning to find our feet, so we are now looking to arrange some (normal?) meets. However, due to living on the continent, and the regional accent really not doing anything for us, our UK location for swinging is a bit no fixed abode (although we are back quite often).

We dont want to waste people's time (or our own) so specifically travelling for a meet isn't really an option unless we know them very well. Given that most people who message us want to meet up in the a couple of days time or sooner, does anyone have tips for those of us who are infrequently in an area?

Thanks for any help in advance!

M&J x
28 December 2016
I don't see any option other than to start searching for people by area when you know you are going to be there for a time. Or arrange to meet at a club and when you know some people, arrange to go back in the future for a private meet. For people we know we have arranged meets months in advance in the past but we don't really do that with people we haven't previously met and know are worth the wait.
27 November 2016
Yes this seems to be our major stumbling block. We go back to the same areas regularly and can travel when back in the UK. We are in no major rush and happy to chat with no expectation and, if we click, meet when we are back, but most people seem to want more action less chat (which is fine).

Wasn't sure if this was a general thing or just happened to be the people we have spoken to so far x
Reactions: Admin and Pearls
28 December 2016
Takes time to find the ones that want to play in a way similar to what you want. That's what we use the clubs for because that's where the most genuine people are. Then those we really click with we then may arrange a private meet with those d tween club trips. We would then arrange a meet online and travel a very long way for it if it was people we had just met online and arrange geddit a meet. Also when you play that way you are right... in our experience there is a certain expectation....
27 November 2016
Thanks for the tips, we will keep plodding along and look closer to when we will be travelling.

M is dieing to get back in the VA hot tub so we will definately be continuing the club scene! We also have a great swinging/sex exhibition over here that we are trying to get to so it's not all bad this side of the water
26 July 2016
Why don't you just take a look around and find folks you like the look of and mail them including all the info they need to know such as when you are looking to meet and I don't see it would be such a problem. I think folks get a bit upset when they think they are chatting with a view to meet soon then find out your not going to be around for 6 months. I would say a month to 6 weeks in advance is more than enough as further than that we find things fall apart
27 November 2016
Thanks! 4-6 weeks seems sensible

We always try to be up front. It's on our profile and we always make it clear if we get the impression they don't know. I think sometimes it may be a case of not reading our profile, but then we don't feel so bad and it's a nice unintentional test of who has x
Reactions: Pearls


I am Batman ?
28 March 2016
i would say keep trying? i think the distance right now is helping you filter out time wasters, there are people who are more into finding a person they click with rather than any one would do so if your looking for the right people rather than a quickie i think taking it slow as you are is helping. Also dont settle for one person before you meet them Ofc
2 September 2016
We've often tried to arrange meets with new people more than a couple of weeks in advance but find that they are more often than not fall through. There have of course been exceptions and we usually find that they turn out to be the nicest and most genuine people. We're also more than happy to arrange something well in advance. You've just got to keep trying. Good luck though x
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