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To Swing, Or Not To Swing, That Is The Question (to Paraphrase Shakespear!)

  • Thread starter andymitel
  • Start date
  • Tagged users None


Not least because I'm in that situation at the moment, but when looking for a new life-partner would you be prepared to abandon the lifestyle? Perhaps the answer may seem fairly easy at the outset, but might those niggling doubts/frustrations emerge over time if your partner didn't share your lifestyle interests? Would you be willing to wait for a lifestyle partner to come along? Hmmmm..


I would swing until, I found a life partner.. if they shared your passion.. game on.
If they didn't yes, i would give it up. X
Reactions: Therapon
26 July 2016
We have agreed that if 1 of us wants to stop then the whole thing goes out the window. Its a game best played with 2 or more partners lol. If we ever split and found new partners then I would mention it and if they did not take the whole swinging queston up then I would drop it as its only a bit of fun
Reactions: Therapon
17 March 2017
Well I became part of the scene yesterday at Vanilla , Meet great couple who showed the ropes good fun. too many guys like hungry horses lol, But good clean fun.
Reactions: Pearls
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