Too Polite?

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Deleted member 3411

Do you think it's possible to be too polite on here? I've often wondered just what the balance is between being too quick off the mark and being so polite that you're perceived as being boring or uninteresting. I don't like to launch in with sexy remarks or suggestions as I figure I should wait until it sounds like such chat is warranted.


11 August 2015
I always try to be polite but use my sense of humour when chatting to others so hopefully I don't come across as either boring or uninteresting, however thats for others to confirm or deny ...... I'm biased :)
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Do you think it's possible to be too polite on here? I've often wondered just what the balance is between being too quick off the mark and being so polite that you're perceived as being boring or uninteresting. I don't like to launch in with sexy remarks or suggestions as I figure I should wait until it sounds like such chat is warranted.
It's a fine line...
We often get a hello message..
That only says hello..
Way too polite or shy.

We get the I so want to screw your brains out ones..
They can piss off

How is the weather up north?
How is your day going?
How are you finding the site?

Some people don't know where to start in truth.
It's easy
This is what we do..
Just finished reading your profile and find that you have our attention.
It would be good to chat if you feel that our profile fits your requirements
Hopefully we will speak soon..

Then we talk and exchange photos etc before I usually say

Ok hun and thank you so much for sharing your Pictures and time but I am sorry hun but you are not what I am looking for. It's not personal. I just can't fancy everyone.
Take care

Deleted member 3411

I say be true to yourself some will like you for who you truly are on here or in person we will not be everybodies cup of tea :sneaky:
I think my comment comes from the fact I look a sweet nice guy, but once I know there's interest I come out of my shell (as Linda can testify) but I wonder if I'm using outside attitude when what I should have is inside the site attitude... wouldn't be the first time a woman is waiting for me to make the first move and because I didn't she saw it as disinterest
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I think my comment comes from the fact I look a sweet nice guy, but once I know there's interest I come out of my shell (as Linda can testify) but I wonder if I'm using outside attitude when what I should have is inside the site attitude... wouldn't be the first time a woman is waiting for me to make the first move and because I didn't she saw it as disinterest
I thi
I think my comment comes from the fact I look a sweet nice guy, but once I know there's interest I come out of my shell (as Linda can testify) but I wonder if I'm using outside attitude when what I should have is inside the site attitude... wouldn't be the first time a woman is waiting for me to make the first move and because I didn't she saw it as disinterest
you have answered yourself in the reply but people will like you regardless :sneaky:

Deleted member 2978

old boring fogey American living in UK.. definitely lost the plot. but I try to be polite 1st then allow the other party/ies to make the move if they want to change the level of conversation.


Im rarely polite.. I'm an aquired taste.. ha.
I can do polite of course.. but wheres the fun in that.. :D ;)
But then theres politeness, and theres down right rude.. ;) x
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I approach all members without hope or agenda. I'm a fairly sociable guy and initially I'm interested in what's between a members ears rather than their legs.....I think there's one or two who could use some lessons on being polite as they're actually not all that and beauty's only skin deep. It's personality that counts for the main and being polite certainly doesn't come across as boring in my eyes.......more considerate if anything. Be fun,be polite, be yourself and above all be respectful and then everything else will fall into place. :)
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18 July 2015
I approach all members without hope or agenda. I'm a fairly sociable guy and initially I'm interested in what's between a members ears rather than their legs.....I think there's one or two who could use some lessons on being polite as they're actually not all that and beauty's only skin deep. It's personality that counts for the main and being polite certainly doesn't come across as boring in my eyes.......more considerate if anything. Be fun,be polite, be yourself and above all be respectful and then everything else will fall into place. :)
Yes there are one or two that don't understand manners Hun :rolleyes:


Think we are too polite and easy going, we tend not to make the first move but just sit back and let others do it as we don't wish to been seen as pushy, but think we have also missed some opportunities being the way we are especially if the other people concerned think the same way. Nigel.... right who wants a shag:rofl::rofl::rofl:


18 July 2015
Think we are too polite and easy going, we tend not to make the first move but just sit back and let others do it as we don't wish to been seen as pushy, but think we have also missed some opportunities being the way we are especially if the other people concerned think the same way. Nigel.... right who wants a shag:rofl::rofl::rofl:
Trollups :rofl::rofl:
11 September 2016
I was raised to be polite. It's part of me. It's natural. I don't feel it makes me dull.

I also have developed a filthy & kinky mind. That comes to the surface too, when the time is right.

Generally I am more attracted to those that are polite & nice. I don't have strict rules on age, body type etc. A genuine person can chat to me for half an hour and I can be gagging to get them into bed, just because they have struck a chord and been themselves.

Just be you Ste. You seem a really great guy to me
Do you think it's possible to be too polite on here? I've often wondered just what the balance is between being too quick off the mark and being so polite that you're perceived as being boring or uninteresting. I don't like to launch in with sexy remarks or suggestions as I figure I should wait until it sounds like such chat is warranted.
I was raised to be polite. It's part of me. It's natural. I don't feel it makes me dull.

I also have developed a filthy & kinky mind. That comes to the surface too, when the time is right.

Generally I am more attracted to those that are polite & nice. I don't have strict rules on age, body type etc. A genuine person can chat to me for half an hour and I can be gagging to get them into bed, just because they have struck a chord and been themselves.

Just be you Ste. You seem a really great guy to me.
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Think you should always be polite, it costs nothing after all and gives a good impression. But you can be forthright without being impolite or crude. After all, we're all here for the same thing and there's no need for long drawn out seduction.
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