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What Bits Do You Use....

19 March 2015
No, not that way. Although you could consider adding it if you wanted to
But I mean in the sense of, what bits do you use most on the site?
Are you a forumite, are you hooked into enjoying the gallery or are PM’s where it’s at for you.

Obviously we’re forumites but are also very busy in PM’s. The gallery? Well we of course add media and check the odd pics here and there but neither of us are really huge fans of media believe it or not. So it’s a lesser used area for us - even though we’ve admittedly got loads of pics and do enjoy certain ones here and there... x
1 September 2018
Sounds exactly the same as us. Occasionally look at pics but usually when we first speak to people to get an idea of what they are like.
Mostly the forums and messages are used daily.
10 July 2018

[I paused before answering this, especially the final para below, as I’m aware that a) I’m not as active outside this place as others, and b) it could come over a bit ‘ah, poor me’. It’s not, but I try to be at least honest.]

Forums: daily, multiple times a day to read, occasionally to post and respond.

Galleries: occasionally to check and very rarely to upload. (In part, my lack of interaction outside the forum gives me the luxury of not feeling I need to upload pics regularly, and compared to many others on here, there are limited pics I have to upload, nothing ‘new’, so to speak.)

PMs: very rarely, and usually it’s to Admin to ask a question. Very rarely, vanishingly rarely, I’ll drop someone an unsolicited PM. I kind of feel that there are enough single fellas in the scene who send unsolicited and unwanted private messages; no-one needs another one.


9 November 2015
I check the gallery often ... if people upload pictures I guess they want someone to look at them otherwise why bother
I use the forums regularly if it’s something I want to be involved in ...
PM’s have sadly pretty much dried up for me ... used to receive quite a few when I first joined but that has dwindled away the odd one now and again,recently sent out a few but nothing in return so make if that what you wish ...
1 August 2015
North Walsham
Usually forum updates, profile updates and then media mostly, depending on my spare time and what i'm doing. N
9 September 2017
For me, it's the forums. I've recently started having the odd gawp at some of the pretty ladies in the gallery but sadly my inbox is as dry as a nun's crotch

Antogs xx
Reactions: Therapon
5 July 2016
Very occasionally I can be found hiding quietly in a forum corner, keeping myself to myself .

Then it's PM usage. I'm always chatting away there.

I'll check status updates once or twice but don't really hang around there unless engaged in conversation.

It's quite rare that you'll see me in the gallery (which does seem quite odd doesn't it?) And I don't know why really. I suppose I usually go for a peek if it's something to do with a forum thread or if somebody suggests a meet.

Reactions: Therapon
10 July 2018
I'll check status updates
I’d actually forgotten about status updates… my own as well as others.

I update my own status far less regularly than I probably should, mainly because I usually forget to.

I occasionally check others’ status updates, but again, less often than I feel I should.
10 July 2018
Don’t forget - when you follow people, you get the option to receive alerts for status updates as well as post replies et al.
Good advice; I’m aware of it, but others may not be.

There’s a good sub-thread waiting to happen, though, regarding the etiquette of following, when people feel its’ appropriate, should you ask in advance… and if so, publicly or via PM?
19 March 2015
Okay... there’s an FAQ regarding the alerts and what happens.
There’s also a thread about site etiquette.
Will post the links if you feel it would help.
Reactions: fincon
10 July 2018
Okay... there’s an FAQ regarding the alerts and what happens.
There’s also a thread about site etiquette.
Will post the links if you feel it would help.
Probably not a bad idea to do so.

I’ve read all the guides, once when I joined the site, and once when I rejoined. And I’m still not always entirely clear; the inevitable consequence of ‘rules’ meeting ‘people’

Well, and the inevitable consequence of me being, well, me.

But as said earlier on in the thread, as often as not, if I have a query, I’ll drop a PM to Admin. Never fails, for a short term Q and A.


18 July 2015
Personally I’m here for the forums. I just love the banter. I don’t speak to people in messages unless it’s on a professional manner and very rare you’ll see me in the gallery
Reactions: GeoffRy
1 September 2018
Personally I’m here for the forums. I just love the banter. I don’t speak to people in messages unless it’s on a professional manner and very rare you’ll see me in the gallery
Oooh I feel special now as I had a p.m. from you last week. I shall have to take a picture and frame it. Dammit it was professional and not personal.
4 January 2018
I flit between forums n threads really but will be less over coming weeks..it nice to have a laugh with some of you lovely pple though makes my day dont really nosey on gallery as prefer to be pleasantly surprise if i see some of you in person which may be a while whens the birthday bash again x


11 August 2015
I mainly use the forums and profile posts, it's a great way of getting to know what people are like and I enjoy the banter. I don't often look at the galleries unless it's required as part of my job and rarely comment on photo's unless it's something that stands out (pun not intended) from the usual stuff. I use PM's but most of that is site related but I do sometimes use them to chat to friends.


18 July 2015
So you don’t go in the gallery much
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