What defines you?

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10 March 2015
I know "swinging" is a very broad church, and pinning it down to a word or short sentence doesn't really work, but if you were to try and briefly define "your" basic way of playing, how would you describe it?
Also, how would you say your dynamic differs from that definition?

For us, its the "Stag and Vixen" handle that best sums up our basic approach... a couple who play together as equals.
As to how we differ from the standard..well, I (Mart) tend to do pretty much all of the admin for our account, from the approach, to messaging and making arrangements, with some input from Jayne, who gets to turn up (suitably briefed) and enjoy. Also, whilst, as a couple, we are equals, during meets Jayne will sometimes adopt a sub role, to me, and sometimes if the vibe is right, to others, within certain constraints. We also, if circumstances allow, sometimes play apart, perhaps at a club or party, so long as I'm happy that her safety is assured.
8 July 2018
I’m still on a voyage of discovery :whistle: I wouldn’t say I have a role that defines me at the moment! Maybe those Whom I’ve interacted with in the lifestyle may say differently!
Tiger xx
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