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What Is The Opposite Of Love

  • Thread starter JDMikey
  • Start date
  • Tagged users None


Throwing this out there:
I would like a knee Jerk reaction response.
Then maybe open it up.
So my new friends
"what is the Opposite of love"
Reactions: Pearls and Therapon


3 February 2016
Normally people would say hate, but as a kid I remember my head master telling me 'you can only hate what you once loved, and what you love you will always love' so maybe not hate.

Maybe the oppersite to love is just nothing, love after all is a strong powerful emotion so surely no emotional response to something is the oppersite to love.


Nice bit of context info LNH


You ARE constructive when I need help and that's worth it's weight in Pearls x


'you can only hate what you once loved, and what you love you will always love'
That's definitely the view of a romantic, I think reality is probably quite different, Kelvin Mackenzie is the name on my mind today & I've certainly never loved him.

Back to the post, I'd agree it's probably indifference
Reactions: Therapon


That's definitely the view of a romantic, I think reality is probably quite different, Kelvin Mackenzie is the name on my mind today & I've certainly never loved him.

Back to the post, I'd agree it's probably indifference
Kelvin McKenzie is a loud mouth bigot the xxxx wouldn't last five minutes on here. Stereotyping shows intense ignorance.
18 October 2015
I think it depends on the love and the moment. For example if it were one of my children, and believe me a teenage daughter can push you to the edge, I would and did always love her but there were times when I really hated some of the things that she did and said. Now she is an adult it's as if the teenage years didn't exist most of the time and she even phoned me when she went off to uni solely to apologise for what she put us through so I can only think we must have done something right.

If it were a partner then I think given the right set of circumstances it could initially be hate but I expect it would become indifference over time. However I have never been in this situation so I am not speaking from experience .
19 March 2015
Having no family through choice, and that means everyone - I can tell you first hand what hate is. (From me).
Hate is dangerous. Hate is powerful and all consuming. It can eat you. Twist you. Change your view on life and on people. It can make you feel the darkest emotions one can.
But, if and when you have love and pure love. Then it balances the hate and the hate no longer makes you sour and wretched. Seething.

Instead it fills you with pity. You pity the ones you hate when you're in love and have love. You pity them because you have compassion from love, regardless of who they are or what they've done.

Hate is a very powerful thing and if not careful, it can change you for the rest of your life.
Reactions: Therapon and Pearls


It was only a quick bit of fun so thanks all for your participation.
Although it's Subjective I think the consensus which I believe followed on from the wise Mr Therapon giving an early lead. The emotional intelligence of you guys made it pretty straight forward but nice to hear various thoughts and a bit of meat on the bones around an agreed answer.

Cheers Mikey.
PS have a lovely peaceful and Sexy Easter holiday.


Wow that is very insightful
Reactions: Pearls


Maybe I drew a conclusion prematurely that last post guys opens up so many other avenues.
That is truly deep and thought provoking. I would like to digest and respond.
No doubt thought provoking but the conclusion was probably still right, love being the emotion, indifference being precisely the opposite of an emotion.
Thus indifference is the opposite to hate too.
Emotion = Hot
Indifference = Cold
Polar opposites
Reactions: Pearls


This has got very deep in places..what ever the difference is all I know is I love to love
Reactions: Therapon
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