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Why We Take Profiles, Images And Content So Seriously (and Your Privacy)


15 September 2014
Hi Sexy Peeps,
Not one for doom and gloom but there's an interesting article in the Sun today that made me want to explain some things to you..
Yes I know most of us don't like the rag (YNWA) and whatnot, but this is actually poignant and pertinent given the nature of our site. (or any other site for that matter)

So here's the link to the article and then I want to explain something.
Fraudster posed as attractive women on dating sites to con men out of £20,000

We inspect every image very closely (behave ya perves ) for anything untoward. Recently I spoke to a member as I had concerns over their images, which were infact video stills. But because of the quality, we act on it and question it. If we see anything we're not happy within images, then not only will we reject it, but we will also follow it up with a PM and even one of us (the team) questioning anything we wish to query.

To some, the rejection reasons and more.. personal questions we ask if anything raises our suspicions, is O.T.T and heavy handed moderation (which we get accused of here and there) but to others it is perfectly acceptable as they know we have your and the site's, best intentions in mind.

The story above reflects how easy it is on sites like PoF or not so other fabulous swinging sites, to pretend to be someone you're not.
We call this being a catfish / catfishing.
This is why all of us in the staff team are so careful when approving media and when checking out profiles etc. You also know that we ban fakes and regularly too..

My advice to you all, even on our site - although we try our hardest to keep it clean and friendly, is this;
  1. If it's too good to be true it usually is.
  2. If they keep repeat non shows, then leave it where it is.
  3. If all of the chats and messages are always going up the garden path but in reality getting nowhere, leave it where it is.
  4. Never send money to anyone on here or any other site, or send any financial details to anyone
  5. Never share your password or any personal information with anyone you're unsure of
  6. Make sure you cam (we have cam software) and chat as much as possible
  7. Try and meet for coffee etc before taking any further steps - at least then you know who you're speaking with is the person behind the account
  8. Make sure the account is Photo Verified with us. If they're not, ask them why not and is there a reason preventing them from doing so?
  9. Always tell someone where you're going and who you're with. Whilst we don't have a foolproof safety net system in place, we do have an area where you can leave logs and traces - where no one else sees this info besides you and Admins only. Found here
  10. Finally, use your own gut instinct. Use your own judgement.. Don't be sucked in so easily. Keep your wits about you and simply put; use common sense. Remember #1. If it's too good to be true....
Be safe people. We work tirelessly to keep this site safe, clean and secure. A lot of other sites out there don't care and don't have the same level of commitment towards their members and their site.

Admin x

Ah, one final note I have to add - anything dealt with off site such as ******/******/Emails etc etc - we cannot be responsible for or help you with.
Anything on here can be reported and dealt with. Off site, you're on your own.
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Yes this is true.. he's a slave driver!!
Go with your gut guys..
Member safety is paramount.
Any issues and uncertainties you have no matter how, insignificant they may seem...
Feel free to contact him ^^^ up there..
No all joking aside.. you know where any of us are.
Stay safe dooberries..
Batfink ♡♡♡ xxxx
26 July 2016
we got given some time ago what we think is a very good keep safe tip.

If you ask the person your meeting for the car Reg they will be using on the night then leave a note of it on a site or with a friend just in case anything goes wrong. Then make sure your early so you can check they show up in that car. They and you now know they can be found should you need to do so. Now we understand some folks wont want to give you the reg but lets face it you could just as easily have got it off the car when they drive in to meet you


It's such a relief to be on a site where policing happens.
I really appreciate the work that goes into making it so safe
Reactions: Therapon


15 September 2014
It's such a relief to be on a site where policing happens.
I really appreciate the work that goes into making it so safe
You're so welcome Miss. we wouldn't want it any other way honestly.
Myself and HRH were discussing this earlier and as I said to her then, even if we reached the point of 30k active members, which is a lot, we will not change and not adjust how we do things.
It's too easy to ignore the issues and not deal with them. Simple as that sadly. X
Reactions: Therapon


Good advice, thank you for everything you do to keep us safe and make this a great swinger site. We appreciate the attention you give to detail - a while back you saw we had posted a group picture with one of the faces in the background visible, which we'd missed. That stopped us and that friend from being embarrassed or worse. Keep up the good work, please!
Reactions: Therapon


30k 30 bloody kķkkk im bald now!!
I'm resigning...
Reactions: Therapon
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