Worst Sexual Experience

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When I told a single guy I don't want anal,bareback or to be spat on. Got to the room, first thing he did was spit on me, turn me over and tried to fuck me up the arse. I was fuming :mad:


Stephen once woke up with shit on his chest after a party.
It turned out it was revenge as he threw up in the girls mouth before passing out.
He later married her!



Rose was raped when she was a teen, wanted a boy to just keep to foreplay but he wasn't having that. That's why she helped run a rape crisis centre for many years. Fortunately that hasn't affected her liking for men and love of sex.

Mine was in Chams a few years back. We met a new couple in the bar and went to a private playroom. Rose had a great time with the man but the woman was very large indeed and I had trouble getting inside her properly. Finally I managed to doggy her and was going hard at it when she started fondling my balls - very nice too, but suddenly she crushed them hard with her hand, absolute agony! Instant loss of erection and as I was hopping about in pain she started laughing, she knew what she was doing when she squeezed. Needless to say we left the room as soon as Rose had finished her fuck and kept well clear of them. Very happy to say we haven't seen them since.