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Wtf??? Moments

  • Thread starter Deleted member 3657
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Deleted member 3657

Simple thread, ever had or seen or read something or done something that made you say "WTF???"

Let's read your funny stories below.
Reactions: Pearls

Deleted member 3657

Something so stupid, but I've been so preoccupied with work and some extreme personal crap lately that I think I'm losing my mind. Couple of weeks ago I couldn't find my deodorant. Looked everywhere. Couldn't find it. Ran out of all the others. So I thought fuck it, cup of tea and the solution will reveal itself. And it did when I went to get the milk out of the fridge and there it was, my deodorant sat on the shelf neatly next to the Piri Piri mayo.
5 July 2016
Last week at hometime we turned the lights out at work and I checked my pockets and realised my mobile phone. So I put my torch on and went looking in the workshop but couldn't find it anywhere.
Shortly a colleague came looking for me to see what I was doing. I explained that I was looking for my mobile phone.
He said "it's in your hand.... You're using it as a torch".

B x

Deleted member 3657

That's a modern "where's my sunglasses???" "On your head" moments lol
18 October 2015
Hmmmm... let me think....

Last year when I was driving to work there was a pot hole in the road that got progressively bigger and bigger and deeper and deeper . Not unusual you might think.... what however was unusual was that coming home from work one day, in the distance I could see something orange in the road at that point. I thought optimistically that it might have been repaired but no .... the council had planted a cone in it and because it was that deep you could only see the top 4 inches ....why would you?
Reactions: Deleted member 3657
18 October 2015
This one is for @Admin who I am sure will provide the corresponding story....

A couple of years ago the lovely man above and I (Looby) had a little discussion in which I was telling him about a game we played at work whereby you have to interject a random word into a meeting. So he suggested that we give it a whirl and let the gorgeous @Pearls choose a word. The word she came up with was 'carnivorous'

Now I love a challenge but I was thinking this is going to be difficult in the context of my job and I needed someone to witness it. I was being assessed this particular day by one of my bosses so my witness was in place. The visit we were doing involved a pub and I was thinking it won't be too bad they'll be serving food so maybe I can comment about something on the menu. We went in, I sniffed the air.... nope no cooking going on.... it was a drinker's pub. I could not imagine how I was going to use this word but then having gone through a door which had a self closer on it that snapped the door back so hard it could have taken your hand off I chirp up ' It's a bit carnivorous that door'. The publican looked at me, me my boss looked at me ....WTF was all over their faces so I just shrugged my shoulders smirked and carried on as if nothing had happened.

Half an hour later we left the pub and once in the car park it started. My shoulders started shaking and I laughed like Mutley with a few piggy squeals thrown in for good measure. My boss looked at me and started looking in the boot of the car to see if he could find one of those back to front cardies with the sleeves that tie at the back whilst with tears streaming down my face I tried to explain what had just gone down. Thank god he though it was funny... We laughed hysterically for about five minutes before we could get a grip and leave the car park...
Reactions: Therapon


15 September 2014
Absolutely brilliant! haha. Second time today you’ve got me lol.
Yes that was a superb game actually and really was great fun. I can’t believe you can still recall the details precisely as they were. Wow.
I can’t remember what other ones were put in place but it was definitely a brilliant laugh.
We should do that again.
superb lol xx
Reactions: Therapon
26 July 2016
I have loads of WTF moments every day. But then i works with dickheads ( neds they are known as in Scotland) so its no wonder.
2 February 2018
I think the worst one for me is when I was seeing this woman and her phone had broken, She was borrowing her ten year old sons phone and I asked her to make sure she deleted all text that I had sent to her as lots of the stuff was not what you want a ten year old seeing. She had invited me up for dinner and as I was tucking into my lemon chicken and pasta that she had cooked her son looked at me and said you put your tongue in my mums bum , I nearly choked on my pasta and I definitely thought WTF!!
I wanted the ground to swallow me up , then he said you stick it right in there. His mum tried to cover it up by saying it was just a joke . A valuable lesson was learnt by me that day . Don't rely on other people to delete messages that you shouldn't be sending to someone else's phone in the first place . Xx
Reactions: Pearls and Therapon
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