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Yes! Yes! Yes! One For The Guys

  • Thread starter Scrunchy&Muffet
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Right, here goes . Usually my primary concern isn't me, it's making sure the lady in question has a good time & is well satisfied, so using the aforementioned "edging" technique is the way it usually goes. So ultimately I suppose that is just one money shot at the end, but I can recover pretty well & quick to do it again if required

Mr Bump


Oooh i like that answer Mr Bump. Xxxx


9 November 2015
When you get to my age reloading can take a little while so you have to learn other ways to satisfy your lady ... A lady that would be a fine thing !! I need to get out more
Reactions: Pearls
29 September 2015
I remember when I used to meet someone regularly that she used to get really upset that she couldn't make me cum as much as she would cum. Was difficult trying to explain that it's not that easy for me. After a a few repeat performances I'm spent. She used to think she was doing something wrong and that wasn't the case at all. I just loved eating her and loved making her cum. That used to do it for me and for me that was perfect.
Reactions: Therapon and Pearls


Yep im liking that reply too xx
Reactions: Therapon and Pearls


11 August 2015
Good question, I certainly can't come and come as may times as I like, that I do know. As others have already said it there is no one answer to this. For me it depends on the time and who I'm with but I can normally manage a couple of times with a rest between and occasionally it can be a one shot wonder but that really does depend on the lady and her ability to control things but hell it's bloody impressive for both of us when it happens. To be honest I'm not interested in the wham bam thank-you mam session I prefer taking my time with lots of foreplay after all it's a pleasure to be shared and that in turn affects how I perform. I guess I'm just an average male.

Deleted member 3289

'Edging' as described can hopefully at times give everyone prolonged pleasure...as sometimes ejaculting can be like getting all the life sucked (literally) out of me as I am left like a shrivelled prune on the vine. Intense but spent.
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