All of us came into the scene with expectations, no matter how similar or different they were… and there have been threads dealing with those.
But also, all of us came in with preconceptions. So which preconceptions were accurate? And which were just plain wrong, through ignorance or naïveté?
I was led to expect that the vast majority of folks were friendly, and welcoming to polite, nervous newcomers. True.
I anticipated that there’d be as many different types of club and sites as there were different types of people. Also true.
I thought there’d be loads of fellas just playing away from home. Sadly, also true.
I thought before entering the scene that the average age of swingers would be far younger. Flat wrong.
I should have but didn’t expect how highly courtesy and politeness was prized. Wrong of me, there. Delightfully wrong, but still wrong.
I completely wrongly anticipated the likely single M / single F / MF couple numbers/make-up of it. Yeah, absolutely wrong there.
Although I expected individuals to be nice, didn’t anticipate how friendly the people running clubs and sites would be. Again, wrong.
Your turn. Go.
But also, all of us came in with preconceptions. So which preconceptions were accurate? And which were just plain wrong, through ignorance or naïveté?
I was led to expect that the vast majority of folks were friendly, and welcoming to polite, nervous newcomers. True.
I anticipated that there’d be as many different types of club and sites as there were different types of people. Also true.
I thought there’d be loads of fellas just playing away from home. Sadly, also true.
I thought before entering the scene that the average age of swingers would be far younger. Flat wrong.
I should have but didn’t expect how highly courtesy and politeness was prized. Wrong of me, there. Delightfully wrong, but still wrong.
I completely wrongly anticipated the likely single M / single F / MF couple numbers/make-up of it. Yeah, absolutely wrong there.
Although I expected individuals to be nice, didn’t anticipate how friendly the people running clubs and sites would be. Again, wrong.
Your turn. Go.