Chatting. Getting Involved And How Far?

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Deleted member 3411

Ok people I have an interesting thought for you and a question. Even though I've been involved in the lifestyle for many years my involvement has always been as a single guy, and although I am reasonably confident chatting to other people I am very aware recently that I still am not sure how to talk to others and how far that conversation should go. Despite our open-mindedness it is true to say that single guys still mind there Ps and Qs when chatting (well I did). So my question is how much should I relax my stance now I'm with Linda? Do couples in chat get graphic, naughty and downright dirty sometimes? I have to be honest I'm amazed at just how reserved and held back I still am when talking.
27 May 2016
Ok people I have an interesting thought for you and a question. Even though I've been involved in the lifestyle for many years my involvement has always been as a single guy, and although I am reasonably confident chatting to other people I am very aware recently that I still am not sure how to talk to others and how far that conversation should go. Despite our open-mindedness it is true to say that single guys still mind there Ps and Qs when chatting (well I did). So my question is how much should I relax my stance now I'm with Linda? Do couples in chat get graphic, naughty and downright dirty sometimes? I have to be honest I'm amazed at just how reserved and held back I still am when talking.
Again, like most things "lifestyle", there is no "right & wrong"? We don't particularly like "graphic" talk, or "dick pics" preferring to leave that to an actual meet. A little flirtatious innuendo.....a tease.....a tempting picture of what may be to come....BUT...we are not all the same, are we?

Deleted member 2610

As a SG I find that chatting to people for the first time difficult, what do you type to break the ice. My fingers get in knots just like my tongue and just as likely to type the wrong word as say it.
Meeting people face to face you gauge their reaction from body language and facial expressions. On line it's more difficult but you can usually gauge from the monosyllabic replies you get back....
You chat build up a repore and see how it goes from there....
Me reserved, very till that bond/friendship moves on, slight innuendos see how that goes you take the next step...maybe.
As in all walks of life it's how we communicate with people that gives you the impressions, yes let's go forward or no stop here thank you.
There are many people on here I'd like to chat with but finger still hangs over the send button but mostly hits delete.
Looking forward to the day I meet the people, that sake of the hand, that kiss on the cheek (face please...) will ultimately tell you if you've made a friend or just an acquaintance
x :0))


15 September 2014
As a SG I find that chatting to people for the first time difficult, what do you type to break the ice. My fingers get in knots just like my tongue and just as likely to type the wrong word as say it.
Meeting people face to face you gauge their reaction from body language and facial expressions. On line it's more difficult but you can usually gauge from the monosyllabic replies you get back....
You chat build up a repore and see how it goes from there....
Me reserved, very till that bond/friendship moves on, slight innuendos see how that goes you take the next step...maybe.
As in all walks of life it's how we communicate with people that gives you the impressions, yes let's go forward or no stop here thank you.
There are many people on here I'd like to chat with but finger still hangs over the send button but mostly hits delete.
Looking forward to the day I meet the people, that sake of the hand, that kiss on the cheek (face please...) will ultimately tell you if you've made a friend or just an acquaintance
x :0))
Absolutely.. (y)
And I will add, it's taken a while for you to settle into it where you have gained people's trust and respect - and it's worth it as you're building up an excellent circle of friends. :)

Deleted member 2610

Absolutely.. (y)
And I will add, it's taken a while for you to settle into it where you have gained people's trust and respect - and it's worth it as you're building up an excellent circle of friends. :)
Thank you and there's been a lot of help and advice from you and @Pearls. Friendship is key to it all :0)) :oops:
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I talk for England..
Usually gibberish.. well most of the time ;)
I never talk graphically, rudley.. i just cant do it... never have been able too...
Its like the old heavy breathing, phone sex thing.. er?!! *snigger snigger* is all i could muster.
Oh dont get me wrong i can flirt, with the best of them, insinuate, etc etc..
But Let me see you cum baby... erm.. ziltch, nothing nada!!! ...
I will discuss, do's and donts... likes and dislikes arrangements.. etc though, when planning a meet.
4 June 2016
Hmmm. Tres defficile non?
I'm not particularly a fan of written communication as firstly I don't really have the time and secondly, I find it difficult to start expressing an interest, flirting if you like, without coming across as some testostorne fuelled teenager with a stammer.
That said, I have had a couple of conversations on this site and I have to say that both have gone well mainly due to the quality of people on here in general. You' re all lovely, dontcha know. X
The chatrooms, for me are like putting your head over the battlements and to get involved there I really could do with actually knowing you so, mail it is. For now.

So, going back to original question. I don't know! Like every form of contact with others, you need to get a feel ( fnnurk! ) of responses and try to respond accordingly. Its intuitive. Act upon your instincts, take it from there and see how you get on.

Of course, no one will read this because you're all packing feverishly for the festival of fun tomorrow.


15 September 2014
Hmmm. Tres defficile non?
I'm not particularly a fan of written communication as firstly I don't really have the time and secondly, I find it difficult to start expressing an interest, flirting if you like, without coming across as some testostorne fuelled teenager with a stammer.
That said, I have had a couple of conversations on this site and I have to say that both have gone well mainly due to the quality of people on here in general. You' re all lovely, dontcha know. X
The chatrooms, for me are like putting your head over the battlements and to get involved there I really could do with actually knowing you so, mail it is. For now.

So, going back to original question. I don't know! Like every form of contact with others, you need to get a feel ( fnnurk! ) of responses and try to respond accordingly. Its intuitive. Act upon your instincts, take it from there and see how you get on.

Of course, no one will read this because you're all packing feverishly for the festival of fun tomorrow.
I am indeed packing, for one,. but I read it (even though in my position..) and I agree with you completely. :)

Deleted member 4481

(Mrs) Just had a chat with OH about this who loves sexy chat, but it doesn't always flow off the tongue for me. He says start the chat slowly but crank it up. You'll guage from the responses as to whether it's welcome or not. I'm quite happy to say if something offends me but it can be done with humour and good nature xx


15 September 2014
I'm the same.iis easier as an open women I think and I think we could do more to help the guys out

We love to chat, but fear offending. Some times a girl needs to take the lead.
Tend to agree with this, I notice a lot of members are concerned about overstepping the boundaries/mark and are almost afraid to make the first move of making contact..

Deleted member 4389

Tend to agree with this, I notice a lot of members are concerned about overstepping the boundaries/mark and are almost afraid to make the first move of making contact..
We all love the compliment of being noticed don't let it put people off.
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Makes for interesting reading.. a lot of good, valid points here...
I will say if i see something... that peaks my interest.. i have no qualms in letting them.. know. And will usually chuck a quick message to see the response.
One thing i rarely do is use the chat facility.. unless someone requires help..
I do know a fair few do though...
Im more of a forum user, i find its a great way of gauging a person/people.
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4 June 2016
Anyone fancy a fuck or some dick pics?
There. Who'd I do?


Or. Let's discuss the tenth dimension.
Your call.
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