Gene Wilder

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Deleted member 1402

Such sad news of the death of Gene Wilder. 2016 has taken some great people, sadly :(
Do you have any great memories of Gene? Obviously for me, him playing Willy Wonka.



15 September 2014
Am sure he was in See No Evil Hear No Evil with Richard ? cant remember his last name about 2 blokes 1 deaf and the other blind, love that film just crack me up
Richard Pryor I think ? Not really a film buff but sure it was him.. See no evil hear no evil. Fantastic film! :D
poor buggar..
Another was with these two - Stir Crazy? Amazing and so funny... Dated now of course but hilarious at the time.
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Richard Pryor I think ? Not really a film buff but sure it was him.. See no evil hear no evil. Fantastic film! :D
poor buggar..
Another was with these two - Stir Crazy? Amazing and so funny... Dated now of course but hilarious at the time.
Yes, that's the one, could not think of his last name (y)
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Deleted member 1402

Ahh brilliant. I'm not too good with films and telly etc as I don't really watch it. So sometimes don't have a clue what people are on about.
Yeah these two made a good combination.


Nooòooooooo gutted!!! Willy Wonka was and is my all time fave film. Such a magical film to watch as a kid. I loved everything about it. I often sing the ooompa looompa songs....i kid you not!!!! In fact i threatened to do my own rendition on my sons trip to Cadbury World lol. Such sad news....he will be missed. Xxx
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