Ok So What Swings It For You?

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For me.. its the mind, its the fun.. innuendos, the oh yes, i know where you're coming from, its the play on words.. its the maybe? Its the anticipation.. that build up, that makes you think... perhaps.. ;)

What sends your bp ;) through the roof.. dirty talk? Straight to the nitty gritty? .... ;) xx
11 September 2016
I love a tease. Anticipation. Communication in the lead up. Mind games (the sexy kind). Just enough, not too much. Enough to make him bulge and her want to touch herself.

One of the biggest compliments I was ever paid was after messaging the wife of a couple one day whilst having a slow work day. The husband emailed me the next morning thanking me. His wife was so turned on that when he got home he didn't have time to get up the stairs before she pounced. Still makes me smile, that one.

It all starts with somewhere. We all know where it ends, but that start is crucial.


I love a tease. Anticipation. Communication in the lead up. Mind games (the sexy kind). Just enough, not too much. Enough to make him bulge and her want to touch herself.

One of the biggest compliments I was ever paid was after messaging the wife of a couple one day whilst having a slow work day. The husband emailed me the next morning thanking me. His wife was so turned on that when he got home he didn't have time to get up the stairs before she pounced. Still makes me smile, that one.

It all starts with somewhere. We all know where it ends, but that start is crucial.
Bad boy!! And yes mind indeed. ;)
11 September 2016
It's just a few words. Some verb, nouns, adjectives & what have you. It's not my fault (yes it is, it's deliberate) they happen to be arranged in a way some people find a turn on.

Having said that, we all like being the reason someone else felt the need to orgasm :devil:


It's just a few words. Some verb, nouns, adjectives & what have you. It's not my fault (yes it is, it's deliberate) they happen to be arranged in a way some people find a turn on.

Having said that, we all like being the reason someone else felt the need to orgasm :devil:
Im away to bed mr demon.. but i feel.its the tip of the iceberg..
I do like a tease of the mind. ;).x

Deleted member 4901

I love to be teased and sexy mind games what gets me xxx

I think I'm going to have some great dreams tonight. Or at least try. If not I will lay awake mulling over all the scenarios I've read about. Insomnia isn't so bad when your mind is on other things. X

Thank you @Cheeky_Demon and @Emmay vessel. Night night.

Deleted member 1402

For me.. its the mind, its the fun.. innuendos, the oh yes, i know where you're coming from, its the play on words.. its the maybe? Its the anticipation.. that build up, that makes you think... perhaps.. ;)

What sends your bp ;) through the roof.. dirty talk? Straight to the nitty gritty? .... ;) xx

All of the above!

I love a tease. Anticipation. Communication in the lead up. Mind games (the sexy kind). Just enough, not too much. Enough to make him bulge and her want to touch herself.

One of the biggest compliments I was ever paid was after messaging the wife of a couple one day whilst having a slow work day. The husband emailed me the next morning thanking me. His wife was so turned on that when he got home he didn't have time to get up the stairs before she pounced. Still makes me smile, that one.

It all starts with somewhere. We all know where it ends, but that start is crucial.

this for me too (y)
27 April 2015
Confidence from a partner, that knows exactly what they want, but without being too pushy and straight to the point.
A subtly in a voice, that says more than words ever can,
Inuendos, that speak a 1000 scenarios
And when innuendo's, subtlety and confidence have worked their charms, someone that actually follows through to an orgasmic conclusion,
All these things to the right recipient are an amazing affrodisiac xxxxx
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18 July 2015
For me.. its the mind, its the fun.. innuendos, the oh yes, i know where you're coming from, its the play on words.. its the maybe? Its the anticipation.. that build up, that makes you think... perhaps.. ;)

What sends your bp ;) through the roof.. dirty talk? Straight to the nitty gritty? .... ;) xx
This :whistle:
19 March 2015
For me.. its the mind, its the fun.. innuendos, the oh yes, i know where you're coming from, its the play on words.. its the maybe? Its the anticipation.. that build up, that makes you think... perhaps.. ;)

What sends your bp ;) through the roof.. dirty talk? Straight to the nitty gritty? .... ;) xx
All of that, and being pushed to the limits with wit, humour and banter.
The mind, the flirtiness, the anticipation and the tease.. definitely. x
Play on words and subtle hints, brilliant fun x