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Morning all so i know this thread wont apply to all of us here but i notice this more and more and it got me to wondering.

Some couples choose to have seperate accounts rather than a couples account. They clearly state in their info who their better half is but why not have a couples profile?

Its not breaking the rules and im not saying its wrong. But i just wondered what the reasons are for choosing to join this way.

You may have an opinnion on this but please keep all comments friendly or they will be removed. Thanks
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Deleted member 1402

Good question. I know some couples do it so they can cam together if the other half works away or they're in a LDR.
Other than that, I've no clue, I've seen couples having a joint account and say the female has her own for meeting ladies solo.
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9 November 2015
I can see the point of having a separate account ... don't get the awkward who am I talking too scenario .... unless the names used are a bit ambiguous ... having said that reading profile info is always a good starting point ... :tiphat:
26 July 2016
Suppose if both members of the couple are open to playing separately it makes sense , and yes like mentioned above makes it easier to know who is posting in the forums or chatting in the chat room

Deleted member 1402

I never understand why couples don't state who is online. I've had couples profiles and on forums and in messages I sign off with my name.
- Vixy.

^^^^it ain't difficult. If we were together, simply sign both names:
- Vixy and Sir.


I never understand why couples don't state who is online. I've had couples profiles and on forums and in messages I sign off with my name.
- Vixy.

^^^^it ain't difficult. If we were together, simply sign both names:
- Vixy and Sir.
Exactly this ^^^ We always sign our mosts differently so you know who it is. It states in our profile the method we use. So if you dont know who it havent read our profile lol xxxxx
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Deleted member 1402

Exactly this ^^^ We always sign our mosts differently so you know who it is. It states in our profile the method we use. So if you dont know who it havent read our profile lol xxxxx
Far too easy for people to read profiles, I've need flashing lights on mine, or if they do read it, they think it's an invitation to be my Dom. :mad:

Deleted member 3411

In my case it's not that hard I'm the only one who posts as really I do this on our behalf rather than the two of us posting. However wants back I'm hoping Linda wall joining more but when we do in the future I will always make sure you know who is speaking out of the two of us. Can be a little unsettling if you get a nice comment say on a photograph but the comment will be received totally different if it's him saying as opposed to her saying. Having a his and hers profile each in some ways makes perfect sense. So long as the couple make it plain from the start on those profiles that they are part of a couple with ####.
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Personally his & hers profiles makes sense from a forum point of view or in the general chat room but other than that it makes things doubly awkward & confusing.
If your going to have his & hers profiles, why not make it 3 & have a joint profile as well.
Just a thought.

Mr Bump

Deleted member 3411

Let me ask another question which is relevant to the same thing does anybody find it confusing when there's a joint profile but only one person ever does the talking like me? I have wondered a few times if anyone worries that I'm single guy who pretends to be a couple... after all is only one ever does the posting what's the difference.


Let me ask another question which is relevant to the same thing does anybody find it confusing when there's a joint profile but only one person ever does the talking like me? I have wondered a few times if anyone worries that I'm single guy who pretends to be a couple... after all is only one ever does the posting what's the difference.
You're photo verified, @Admin 's rules on that are tight so it's enough for me

Deleted member 3411

And I'm not implying all think that those who have single profiles are doing anything wrong either it could be thought that well if you're a couple why do you have individual profiles? Is it because you want to get up to things behind his or her back? No I just think it makes it easier for you to enjoy yourself after all Linda and I have no secrets from each other it's one of the things that makes it work for us the fact that I can tell her but I've just seen a girl with big boobs and damn did I want some of
I think when she's back I will ask Linda if she wants an individual profile, @Admin is there a Ste and a Linda profile name free?
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26 July 2016
Let me ask another question which is relevant to the same thing does anybody find it confusing when there's a joint profile but only one person ever does the talking like me? I have wondered a few times if anyone worries that I'm single guy who pretends to be a couple... after all is only one ever does the posting what's the difference.

Same here , and although Mrs does come on here with me it's more to look at the profiles or to go into the chat room than to post on the forums . As for the pretend couple profile scenario I'm sure a few might think that but it's one of the reasons we always get photo verified to give others a bit of piece of mind


15 September 2014
And I'm not implying all think that those who have single profiles are doing anything wrong either it could be thought that well if you're a couple why do you have individual profiles? Is it because you want to get up to things behind his or her back? No I just think it makes it easier for you to enjoy yourself after all Linda and I have no secrets from each other it's one of the things that makes it work for us the fact that I can tell her but I've just seen a girl with big boobs and damn did I want some of
I think when she's back I will ask Linda if she wants an individual profile, @Admin is there a Ste and a Linda profile name free?
I'm just off out to celebrate the in-laws golden wedding anniversary but upon my return I shall check. Am sure it's okay though. :)
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Same here , and although Mrs does come on here with me it's more to look at the profiles or to go into the chat room than to post on the forums . As for the pretend couple profile scenario I'm sure a few might think that but it's one of the reasons we always get photo verified to give others a bit of piece of mind
As I said before to be photo verified on here means exactly that.
Just a word of advice for couples with individual profiles, other PV couples may prefer to meet other PV couples, not 2 PV single accounts.
Again as previously stated, forum & chat rooms use makes sense, arranging meets through 2 profiles rather than a joint one makes much less sense.
Again, if you want to have 2 individual ones perhaps have a 3rd as a couple


You get a lot of single men pretending to be couples on Fab - as we've found when trying to arrange meets occasionally (Rose always talks to the other woman to set up a meet). But the photo verification here really helps you know who is who.
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15 September 2014
In fact @SteLinda I've just created the account for you, temporarily. So will PM you later when I'm back to go through the details = or whenever you're ready.
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Deleted member 3411 will also would make sense when setting up the joint account to make it obvious that the three are linked. We may use Ste-SteLinda and Linda-SteLinda.... so peeps know we are from that couple.
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15 September 2014
96,028 will also would make sense when setting up the joint account to make it obvious that the three are linked. We may use Ste-SteLinda and Linda-SteLinda.... so peeps know we are from that couple.
I wouldn't go overboard here though, as long as people know it's you even on the joint account, then that's all that matters.
We've met you both so that should be enough. :)
11 September 2016
Let me ask another question which is relevant to the same thing does anybody find it confusing when there's a joint profile but only one person ever does the talking like me? I have wondered a few times if anyone worries that I'm single guy who pretends to be a couple... after all is only one ever does the posting what's the difference.

Not confusing at all Ste. Many couples choose to communicate through one partner most/all of the time. It becomes second nature to know who you are addressing, if you take time to read the profiles & understand the people via forums & chat rooms.
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I am unsure why people have separate profiles unless it is to play separately as well as jointly.
We keep our couple profile joint and both use one phone these days to do so.
Having had our share of close calls it's safer for us to keep everything in one place
As for confusion
Well I am at a loss as to how awkward it is to ask who you are speaking to. Afterall it is a couple account so it narrows it down to one of them.
Bizarre if that is awkward

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11 August 2015
Uhm, the problem is some people assume they know who they are talking to which is where things can go wrong. So I have to agree with Stephen here, if you unsure then ask, it save confussion and embaressment.