Being Recognised On Another Swinging Site

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We are on another swinging site ( will be leaving once we get this account up and running ) well last night I was in the cam room when a couple I didn't recognise popped up n asked how me and my 3 brothers were. I checked their profile over and over again but nothing rang any bells.
I asked how they knew me but all I got back was 'you are the last person I'd thought I'd see on here' after checking their profile for the 100th time a tattoo caught my eye. I had seen it somewhere before but couldn't put my finger on it. I knew we hadn't met them before because they were bout 200 miles away from us.
I searched all my friends facebook pics to see if any had same tattoo but nothing.
Once again I checked their profile and their verifications didn't match up. Some said they had met k&k and others said they had met s&s 1 said they can't wait for round 2 with the sister k&s when s visits.
Something click and thought my dad's ex-who moved down to Plymouth about 20 years ago. Her name is Christine and her new husband is Kristen. Her twin sister is Sharon n her fella is shaune. Still didn't believe it until I remembered the tattoo. My step mum had 1 the same n the same place shortly before she left. I know it's her but she won't admit.
Personally I couldn't care who knows about my life style n sees my pics at of day I'm an adult and it's got nothing to do with anyone else. Guess she thinks I'm gonna run n tell rest her family what she does. But it actually turns out we have a lot of the same sexual intrests lol

Mr W
24 November 2015
Its amazing the people you wouldnt think to be into the swing lifestyle whom you can come across when you least expect it on different sites , I had my half brother checking my pics out once till I rang him and told him to piddle off elsewhere lol


Its amazing the people you wouldnt think to be into the swing lifestyle whom you can come across when you least expect it on different sites , I had my half brother checking my pics out once till I rang him and told him to piddle off elsewhere lol
It was frustrating lol and was playing on mind but I couldn't place that tattoo until I click on to the names lol she just messaged say she doesn't know who I am lol funny how she said my full name n my dad n brothers names she said she must have been talking to someone else lol x


Lol i was messaged by a woman, i worked with her.. shes amongst my facebook freinds.
I was also messaged by another woman.. who works in the same place she, is freinds with my best freind.
I have been messaged by a guy, who is freinds with mr F,s sister...
A freind of mine whom i went on a hen party with we are good freinds.. and attended a wedding.. with use another well known site..
Incidently the bride, one of my best freinds is an infusion regular...
Small world indeed!!!


We had a message on another site from a couple we had met at a Pagan camping event. They asked were we really the Geoff & Rose they had met at the event, and if so did we mind them knowing we were swingers? We didn't mind at all, they are a great young couple who had been swingers for a few years and it was interesting to see their verifications and pics, and we became friends on the site although we're different age groups and unlikely to meet for swinging. A few months later we had messages from another two couples we had met who had been at the camp. Apparently they'd all been swapping at the event, just shows you never know who is a swinger!
11 September 2016
@Many_Kinks You have the patience of a saint! Them playing games with me like that, would of had my blood boiling. Why didn't they just say???

It really shouldn't matter. So long as peoples individual privacy needs are not crossed.

I know one of my sons ex-teachers swings, plus the head mistress of another school I have connections with. A local nurse, a policeman, a former county concillor.

I've bumped into a few people in super markets, coffee shops..

..but unless they openly acknowledged me then I will just smile and walk on by.

Well done on giguring it all out!

Deleted member 3411

I have spent time before I even started on this lifestyle asking myself questions like what will I do if someone I know Crosses my path. I prefer to keep this side of me a secret and Linda is much the same. One member of her close family knows that she swings but she's cool with it and keeps quiet. I already have the stance I will take if I do come across someone who knows me but this is never happened yet. I Confess there are a few people that I would like to find out are swingers and at least one who I would definitely try to get involved with.
@Many_Kinks the one thing that occurs to me from your story is there is a difference between her recognising you and her asking if you'd like to meet up!?
26 July 2016
I've never been recognised from others sites but one many years ago in the time BC (before computers ie internet) and still a teenager I would often purchase some wank material and to my suprise in side on mag was a large spread featuring the young lady who used to cut my hair. Always had a smile on my face when I went for a trim :)
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Deleted member 2610

I have mentioned before that I recently told my son and daughter about my lifestyle. They are ok with it as long as I'm happy and I must admit it lifted a big weight from my shoulders.
I've also told a few of my friends and must admit I'm not ashamed if people find out.
I'm totally comfortable in how I live and it has no affect on the rest of my life so if people find out take me as I am or walk on by...your true friends are the ones left xxx :0))
15 August 2015
I discovered a couple from my town are on another site but have no verifications. Seems in messaged them a while ago but they didn't reply, I wonder if I attached a face pic so they know I'm on. I only know them to say hi too so I don't think anything will be said.
I like to keep it private, I like having something I do that only my best mate and I know about.
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26 July 2016
Well it happened last night, watching the telly and this woman walks into shot and I think to my self I'm sure I've seen you where before. After wracking my brain it finally came to me I'd met her at a swingers social organised on another site many years ago, she'd gained a few pounds and the camera added a few more but yeah I'd met the lady and chatted to her, next day checking her profile certain things hinted at what she did for a living so never took things further.

If you're curious about the telly progam I was watching it was C4's A very British brothel.


15 September 2014
Well it happened last night, watching the telly and this woman walks into shot and I think to my self I'm sure I've seen you where before. After wracking my brain it finally came to me I'd met her at a swingers social organised on another site many years ago, she'd gained a few pounds and the camera added a few more but yeah I'd met the lady and chatted to her, next day checking her profile certain things hinted at what she did for a living so never took things further.

If you're curious about the telly progam I was watching it was C4's A very British brothel.
Epic :D ;)
14 April 2016
So far I've not been recognised , as far as I am aware, but did have an encounter in person.

Was out with a bunch of vanilla friends and it turns out one of the couples are swingers. They propositioned another friend of mine who wasn't interested and then my name came up in their conversation as my friend knows I've got involved to some extent with swinging.

By the end of the night I was back at theirs!

I can imagine being recognised could lead to trouble for some people so hope it doesn't happen to anyone. We don't need dramas... just lots of love and good times x
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