Private Parties....!!

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Ok, so here goes.... We would LOVE to try a Private Party... But... we don't know anyone who is 'in' the Private Part Scene. Did get a recent approach on YouKnowWhere, but further investigation shows this was someone requiring 'Contributions' - which I conclude is someone running Parties for commercial gain. Hmm. Is that usual... Or not..?

Any hits or tips, on Parties generally...? How to get Invites...? How to run your own...? Horror Stories...? Or fun escapades...? (hopefully its mostly those.....)

Go on.... You know you want to.... ;)

Eye Thang Yew....

I from I&L xx
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18 July 2015
We have hosted a few private parties at our home and we are strict on who is invited, We have rules which all abide with and have never had any trouble apart from finding the odd piss head sleeping in the garden...
We love to entertain and shall be organising another before christmas :love::love:xx
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22 March 2015
They are always amazing parties and if you get the chance to go then grab it...
Champagne and strawberries are not to be missed amongst other things Miss Pearls hehe xxx
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18 July 2015
Thankyou sweetie and yes we do try and this year we have a very exciting new theme...
Top secret for now though
@Admin no spilling xx
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VIP Member
5 April 2015
We found that the more we mingled in clubs, the more we got invited to parties. Most people who run parties, like to invite people they have already met elsewhere; I'm not saying this because we run a club as this was before we had Townhouse.
There are quite a few people out there at the moment running private parties and charging people. If the party is in their own home, I don't agree with 'contributions'. We have our own private parties at the club and nobody pays; it's all about the partying. However, more and more people are renting apartments and this comes at a price and a huge deposit! So paying towards this, to enjoy the surroundings is only fair. These people are running parties as a business though and making money out of them...some nice tax free earnings!!!
Some people hire our club to run private parties without the huge deposit and without the risk. They can still make money out of the parties and run the parties as they wish; how the profits are declared (or not) is not our concern.
To be honest, I have always felt a bit pressured into playing when invited to parties as we feel that as we have been invited, there is an expectation...this is not vocalised of course, but it's just a feeling. So when we have private parties, we state in no uncertain terms that nobody is expected to do anything and if they want to drink, eat and natter all night, that is just fine with us!
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VIP Member
5 April 2015
There are also "Swingers" clubs that hold parties with girls provided, again these are commercial enterprises and not real swingers parties / events, but you are guaranteed some fun as a single guy.

I am sure there must be private swingers parties still being held but over the last twenty years there has been a lot of swingers clubs opening due to a relaxed police / reporter interest. In the 90's it was rare for a mopnth to go by without reading about a swingers venue being raided or exposed.

There are still some clubs who bring in girls to entertain the guys. Not mentioning any names but it does happen and when they are found out, they will be closed down!

Actually there are private parties taking place most nights of the week in the NW area and I think every club will agree that the combination of private parties and the internet has meant that clubs are struggling. I would say that there are about 8-10 clubs in the whole country who do well on a regular basis, the rest are hit and miss and I put that squarely down to private parties and internet meets. If people are skint, they can easily get meets online and clubs are suffering. There have been a few clubs close over the last year and one or two close to closing and this is due to lack of support and the rise in people throwing their own apartment parties. Am I bitter?? Yes a little. These people are throwing great parties, charges for them and not declaring their earnings. Some people are doing this twice a month or more and I can guess how much money goes in their pocket and it isn't just a few quid.

Clubs have so many overheads, big firey hoops to jump through, licences and hassle to stay open. Most of us work 80+ hours a week and do it for the love of what we do, not to earn loads of money. So when people come along and run these exclusive apartment parties, put very little effort into them and walk away with a wad of non declared cash, it pisses me off, especially when my colleagues in other clubs are struggling to stay open.

Phew!!! Don't know where that came from! This thread obviously struck a nerve!!!! pmsl!! I will step down off my soap box now!! :whistle::rolleyes::ROFLMAO:


@TownhouseTwosome - Don't stop - you are on a roll, writing good, sensible & insightful stiff....!!

As I wrote in my original post, we were approached enthusiastically by a local couple who were organising a social, very near us - and said they ran parties. They have a small website - which in addition to the Parties, states they hire out rooms by the hour. It doesn't say if the Parties are 'commercial', but it would not surprise me if they were. We will watch with interest.

At the same time, a well known club near us appears to be struggling. They actually seem to do much better when they host Fetish events - which can fill the club & its car park, with ease. I am aware of some of the fiery hoops that a fully licensed club like this, must jump through. They can attract the better Fet events precisely because their are properly licensed - in contrast to some Fetish venues.

Can only sympathise regarding the Apartment Parties. Should the Tax Man take an interest in their activities, they might think again. Personally, I think any 'contribution' to a Party should be in kind - a nice bottle of something, or some food for the buffet, perhaps. But not hard cash. YMMV.... o_O

Deleted member 1463

Going back some years i was invited to a private party through a different swingers website as part of a couple, really didnt know what to expect ... was fairly new to the whole scene and although quite confident in myself really had no clue of etiquette ie what to wear. It was about an hours drive from where we lived, i was dressed in my best jeans and a sexy top.. we arrived at the modest house and were welcomed by the hosts. As we entered the house which was starting to fill up with couples and the odd single female/gent.. i did have a few looks, a few Q's of 'Have you been to a party before?!'
Rather quickly i got out my jeans and top and just wore my birthday suit in all my glory (with a gorgeous pair of shoes of course) because i had no idea that people would turn up in their sexiest outfits with bags full of all sorts of playful equipment! It was definately a new world, i think i may of only played a couple of times before that and everything was pretty new..
So .. since that day.. always make sure you're wearing matching undies (as ones mother may tell you incase of being hit by a bus)
If in doubt... nudity.
And always brave the hot-tub in winter... despite the cold when getting out. - you just never know you might really like it/or like who's in it.

If i remember well, i think we were asked to make a donation of £20 which was standard for everyone to cover drinks/foods. The donation was made clear with the invitation, but so was the invitation list of alot of sexy people so i think it was worth it..

Ahh good times.

I've introduced my husband to the scene about 6 months ago, cant wait to take him to a party some day.



As others before have said.
Get yourselves down to clubs, mingle and make friends there. Before long you'll get an invite, perhaps even to an after party, some people invite others back after the club as not all are comfortable playing whilst out. Behave and play your cards right, and it'll be the first of many invites no doubt?!
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10 March 2015
I've lost count of the number of parties we have been to, but that number will be going up by one on Saturday.... and maybe by another one two weeks after that lol! Now... I aint bragging, I know it aint my rakish wit, charm and good looks that they want, so I'm guessing its Jayne that's the popular one!

Right..... lets just nail down the "pay/don't pay" thing.... we have NEVER paid to go to any of the parties we have been to, and some have been huge. We have been asked sometimes to help the buffet by bringing a plate, but that's about it.
Would we pay if asked?
I think that depends on who was asking, and how much.
If it was a friend, and they were doing something special, and asked for a fiver a person, then yes.

But a random invite from a stranger, asking 20 quid a throw? No.

I mean, lets break the two different parties down....

A fiver times 20 people ( kinda smallish party) is £100, by the time you take out the buffet, extra washing, and soft drinks, there's not a lot left, someone is hardly making a killing.

Now, 20 people times 20 quid... £400... kinda hard to justify that much.
I mean, it's somewhere in the low 20's of pounds to get into Chameleons in Newport, and they have a sauna, showers, a Jacuzzi, and I can order food.... no contest really lol.
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18 July 2015
We have had some amazing parties and wouldn't dream of charging anyone, we supply everything and never ask for anything to bring apart from themselves, we haven't had one in over a year now but are looking to have a bit of a doo come the new year, what gets my back up is socials that charge and the people that organise them make huge profits which is shocking, we have been to some that charge and been to many that don't and there is no difference.
Knowing what I know now I wouldn't go to a paid one as I'm not in the habit of paying for someone's new sofa or holiday or Xmas for that matter.
You learn in this game after many years and the non pay at the door are the true parties to attend, just my opinion xx

Deleted member 1030

A friend of ours used to hold parties, where everyone brought a bottle. There were always a few beers, wine and soft drinks laid on as well but - and this was the best part - any spirits left over were kept for the next party's very very lethal punch!

They were good parties :D:D:D
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10 March 2015
There are still some clubs who bring in girls to entertain the guys. Not mentioning any names but it does happen and when they are found out, they will be closed down!

Actually there are private parties taking place most nights of the week in the NW area and I think every club will agree that the combination of private parties and the internet has meant that clubs are struggling. I would say that there are about 8-10 clubs in the whole country who do well on a regular basis, the rest are hit and miss and I put that squarely down to private parties and internet meets. If people are skint, they can easily get meets online and clubs are suffering. There have been a few clubs close over the last year and one or two close to closing and this is due to lack of support and the rise in people throwing their own apartment parties. Am I bitter?? Yes a little. These people are throwing great parties, charges for them and not declaring their earnings. Some people are doing this twice a month or more and I can guess how much money goes in their pocket and it isn't just a few quid.

Clubs have so many overheads, big firey hoops to jump through, licences and hassle to stay open. Most of us work 80+ hours a week and do it for the love of what we do, not to earn loads of money. So when people come along and run these exclusive apartment parties, put very little effort into them and walk away with a wad of non declared cash, it pisses me off, especially when my colleagues in other clubs are struggling to stay open.

Phew!!! Don't know where that came from! This thread obviously struck a nerve!!!! pmsl!! I will step down off my soap box now!! :whistle::rolleyes::ROFLMAO:

We love clubs, and attend when we can, and only wish we could support them more often.
It's a thankless task, if we were to pay for a swinging night out, we'd rather give our cash to a club than a private party.
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10 March 2015
Ok, so here goes.... We would LOVE to try a Private Party... But... we don't know anyone who is 'in' the Private Part Scene. Did get a recent approach on YouKnowWhere, but further investigation shows this was someone requiring 'Contributions' - which I conclude is someone running Parties for commercial gain. Hmm. Is that usual... Or not..?

Any hits or tips, on Parties generally...? How to get Invites...? How to run your own...? Horror Stories...? Or fun escapades...? (hopefully its mostly those.....)

Go on.... You know you want to.... ;)

Eye Thang Yew....

I from I&L xx

Socials are where most of our invites come from, and once you attend one, its usually not long before another invite pops up lol!
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I love a good party and we only attend private parties as a couple, I have been to many socials in my time and wouldnt now for so many reasons, the admins always lay on the most amazing parties and they must spend thousands, no egg sarnies here guys and even down to entertainment the whole night is one to remember xxx
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18 July 2015
I love a good party and we only attend private parties as a couple, I have been to many socials in my time and wouldnt now for so many reasons, the admins always lay on the most amazing parties and they must spend thousands, no egg sarnies here guys and even down to entertainment the whole night is one to remember xxx
Thankyou Miss and it wouldnt be a good party without the amazing guests xx