Let's Talk About Donald...

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Deleted member 1030

So... what do you think of the new POTUS? Should he be welcomed with a state visit? Is he sane? What about the people around him, are they to be trusted?
What do you think?
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A puppet to the U.S.A right wing, I think a donkey cock is more intelligent. how can this wee shriveled bawbag think it is OK to outlaw abortion in today's society? ban all Muslims from entering the U.S? what a fucking numpty! "that's right big D send them back to a war torn country, that will get them on your side and stop terrorism".

and get yur fucking golf course off oor land!

i am sorry for the language but i think it is clear "i cana stand the wee orange sack o shite!"


11 August 2015
Got to admit he is different and lets be honest he isnt totally stupid if he can run a business and he obviously can. I dislike his policies but that is my person opinion.
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Got to admit he is different and lets be honest he isnt totally stupid if he can run a business and he obviously can. I dislike his policies but that is my person opinion.
can he run a business? been bankrupt countless times and liquidized more than one company.
claims to have done it all himself but has been quoted thanking his dad for his first million dollars to start his first business!?
in my eyes he a member of the american elite who has no idea what is is like to be middle/lower class America, the people he is supposedly meant to be working for.
this is much the the same as the British elite. watch how many dodgy bills get slipped through parliament while the media attention is on America.
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Deleted member 1030

Lets face it most of the info comes from the press o_O:confused:
True.... but in these days, while the web is still free(ish), it's relatively easy to check facts, get opposing opinions or confirm/deny rumours.
26 July 2016
The press want him out the bleeding heart liberals want him out and the dodgy politicians want him out. Just on those grounds I am pro Trump
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26 July 2016
Once again the rich trying to subvert the Democratic process just like the rich are trying to do here with Brexit. Wake up folks before poor folk don't get a say and the rich put whoever they want in power
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Once again the rich trying to subvert the Democratic process just like the rich are trying to do here with Brexit. Wake up folks before poor folk don't get a say and the rich put whoever they want in power
Donald Trump is the rich and he is surrounding himself with the rich, he is ball deep with Goldman Sachs one of the worst ethically minded power houses in U.S history.x
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26 July 2016
Don't care what anyone says the people had a vote he won and has done what he said he would. Can't fault him for that


Don't care what anyone says the people had a vote he won and has done what he said he would. Can't fault him for that
He has said he will start building a wall and Mexico will pay for it though taxation. No they wont or they will just the taxation back at American imports through Mexico. He said he would ban all Muslims for entering the U.S.A (such a bad idea) thankfully the courts have overturned this so far.

He has pissed off several other world leaders, made stronger ties with that lunatic Putin and made abortion illegal and plans to make guns more accessible to the general public.

Deleted member 1030

He can't help that idiot judges wanna play politics
They're not 'playing' politics, the judiciary are part of the three-ring system of US politics. a system of checks and balances, POTUS, the two houses and the judiciary all keep an eye on each other, with equal power.