Theoretically, of course.

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For Admin hmm
I'd buy a duplicate Admin and pearls, so they could log off, leave the site in say trusted hands for a fortnight, while they chilled, enjoying, the luxury all inclusive holiday, I'd purchased for them, a stones throw from the great barrier reef. Perhaps throw a yacht in with a few deck hands for Pearls wild enjoyment ;)
See how thoughtful am I :)
Or i could get them him n her matching Xmas jumpers :D
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15 September 2014
Now that sounds good to me.. Very thoughtful and insightful too.. ;)
We need another Admin & Pearls so we can grab that luxury holiday! Sounds bloody good to me.. :) :love:
Matching Christmas jumpers will of course be fine too ha! :p

Hmm Mrs MTF..
*thinks* x
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15 September 2014
An immediate crash course in I.T for dummies :D
A week in a health spa, run be femme fatales only - for you both of course.. and my cooking skills for a solid 48 hours.
Now you can't beat that! ;) x
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