Illegal Substances.....

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I have a question if may?
Has anyone had any experience in being a bit stoned and, ummm getting a bit 'heated' ?.....


I realise it might be wrong? To ask so please only answer if you really want to


Well I didn't really expect anyone to respond, so I will.......
I have since I can remember always lived my life in every sense of the word.
I'm the one you will see doing something that no one else will, simply because I believe you have not truly lived until you have experienced all the little nuances and idiosyncrasies that life has to offer, it can be argued that there are certain activities that should not be entered into.......but who are we to judge or even decide what is ok or what is not, is it not written 'he without sin, cast the first stone'?
Let me get to the point, I met a couple on Saturday afternoon for a friendly chat, one thing led to another, pretty soon things got rather intimate.......I took the opertunity to reveal a few things I have in my 'bucket list', one of which entails getting stoned and...well shagging (no point in sugar coating), I built us each a wee slow boat and we proceeded in getting comfortably stoned, what happened next is for once outside of my previously noted above, I have done many many things, one of which entailed me falling down the rabbit hole for a 'while' and becoming intimate with a mistress.....crack was her name.......
I can categorically say that Saturday's experience was unparalleled in comparison to my first and subsequent 'C' highs, when I eventually arrived at the gates of completion I thought I'd died and gone to heaven!
*Please note the above post in no way portrays the thoughts or views of this website its owners or its members*
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15 September 2014
Indeed I hear you and although cannot reply in any official capacity, I understand what you mean. ;)
Of course, we cannot promote anything like this either...
But we neither condone nor condemn such activities in the comfort of ones home. :D


I smoked weed my first year while at University. I knew after the once it wasn't for me. Never touched the stuff since.
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