Halal Symbol On Food Products

  • Thread starter Max-the-3rd
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So, I have been reading that some people are now believing that the Halal symbol on food products is a direct link to funding terrorism and if you should purchase anything with the symbol you will be giving your money direct to isis?
I have always believed that the symbol and the word just mean something is allowed in the Muslim religion, not just referring to meat products.
your thoughts please, how the hell did we get to this state off paranoia that people would believe national supermarkets would plot against freedom and fund terrorism?


So, I have been reading that some people are now believing that the Halal symbol on food products is a direct link to funding terrorism and if you should purchase anything with the symbol you will be giving your money direct to isis?
I have always believed that the symbol and the word just mean something is allowed in the Muslim religion, not just referring to meat products.
your thoughts please, how the hell did we get to this state off paranoia that people would believe national supermarkets would plot against freedom and fund terrorism?

I believe our good 'friend' :confused:Mr Trump has the answer there with his attack on fake news! It doesn't take too long for people to follow anything and it quickly spreads through social media like a forest fire. It then becomes so big that "it must be true"! Without anyone stopping and checking the facts first.
We have forgotten how to communicate effectively by trying to communicate better through technology we have learned how to not do it and become so reliant on it we can no longer think for ourselves.

Good topic though, very interesting to think about. (y)
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3 February 2016
Islamophodia is sadly a powerful force in our country, often spread by otherwise rational people.
I believe I read somewhere that last year 'prevent' had as many referrals for neo-nazism and islamophodia as it did for Islamic extremism (I hate that term but that's for another time)


Regarding 'Islamaphobia'. It does scare me. I have known 'liberal' Muslims that still expect the woman to sit in the back of the car. As a woman, enjoying the freedom that the suffragettes fought for, the religion does offend me.


18 July 2015
I have no problem with what religion you are but I would like to know more about what these symbols are and if we are supporting terrorism ;)
7 January 2017
I always thought the halal symbol just mean 'permitted'. As in, 'this loaf of Kingsmill is permitted'

Fun fact the opposite is haram (forbidden).
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26 July 2016
As far as we know the symbol lets Muslims see what they can and cant eat and stay within the guidelines of the religion. We personally wont buy or eat anything showing the mark or indeed visit restaurants that show the Halal sign. This has nothing to do with ISIS or any other terrorist group its said they support. Personally i think its a load of old tosh but i do think many rich guys are slipping money to the cause on the quiet. Our reasons for not eating Halal is totally on the grounds of the cruel way the animals are killed and most products have some sort of animal product in it then its best to avoid everything.


As far as we know the symbol lets Muslims see what they can and cant eat and stay within the guidelines of the religion. We personally wont buy or eat anything showing the mark or indeed visit restaurants that show the Halal sign. This has nothing to do with ISIS or any other terrorist group its said they support. Personally i think its a load of old tosh but i do think many rich guys are slipping money to the cause on the quiet. Our reasons for not eating Halal is totally on the grounds of the cruel way the animals are killed and most products have some sort of animal product in it then its best to avoid everything.
You don't have anything showing the mark? No Pringles, No haribo? All the chocolate snacks and crisps?
I admire your resilience.
To much hassle for me. Don't really mind how the meat I eat is killed either. Bolt to the head or throat slit. Seen them both done first hand and neither are pretty.
26 July 2016
You don't have anything showing the mark? No Pringles, No haribo? All the chocolate snacks and crisps?
I admire your resilience.
To much hassle for me. Don't really mind how the meat I eat is killed either. Bolt to the head or throat slit. Seen them both done first hand and neither are pretty.
TBH I have a particular allergy that means that nothing is bought, eaten or drunk that I have not looked into first so its sort of second nature to us both. Having said that a careless sip of prosecco a while back nearly killed me so that kinda makes you read everything.


Forget Islamophobia, those of us who don't want to eat halal stuff do so for other reasons - first, halal slaughter is appallingly cruel. Have a look at the Youtube videos of it, compared to our sort of slaughter, if you have a strong stomach. Sikhs will not touch halal meat because of this; their slaughter also involves a knife but is quicker and more respectful to the animals. They also hold with the second objection, which we as Pagans also have about halal stuff - it has been prayed over and dedicated to a god we don't believe in.

Having the 'halal approved' symbol isn't enough, all food should be clearly labeled "HALAL" so those of us who object can avoid it. Sadly most of the meat we get in supermarkets and fast-food outlets IS halal. We buy meat from our local butcher who gets his meat from a local slaughterhouse that has never, and apparently will never, use the halal method.
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My objection to Halal meat is the same objection to Kosher. The animals suffer terribly during the slaughter process. I just can't understand why they can't be stunned before they're slaughtered? Its not Islamaphobia or anti semitic. I just don't want to think the meat on my plate was dispatched cruelly.
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I am Batman ?
28 March 2016
My objection to Halal meat is the same objection to Kosher. The animals suffer terribly during the slaughter process. I just can't understand why they can't be stunned before they're slaughtered? Its not Islamaphobia or anti semitic. I just don't want to think the meat on my plate was dispatched cruelly.
it kindof roots back to why they do it, back then when they first created islam it was mostlikely the cleanest way to secure the meat you know they had no stunners back then and draining the blood thatway is really good for perserving for a little bit and so on in those days, same reason why pigs are banned in both islam and judaism which originate from the hotter climates, pork goes bad faster and easier for people to get sick on in those climates. the whole kosher/halal really just comes from that. Now tbh i dont care how the meat got to me aslong as its tastey, but thats a personal thing.
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26 July 2016
Just so you know all the following are Halal products.
Cadbury, Nestle, Mars, Aero, Rolo, Cream eggs, Crunch, KitKat, Quality Street, Milky Bar, Smarties, Snickers, M & Ms, & Maltesters are all Halal


IDGAF. If I'm hungry, I'll eat it. Linked to terrorism.......what the hell have you guys been sniffing? Lol :)