Okay. Have been watching this thread with interest as of course, it's quite important to know about feelings relating to no shows.
Whilst we will not and cannot condone "outing" people, it's always handy for us to know about specific people and if they're repeat no shows or letting a lot of people down regularly and pretty much time wasting.
Real life often gets in the way, of which none of us can always avoid, but if there is someone who is always not attending socials when placing their name down, or always failing to show on meets when arranged, then we would of course be keen to know.
No, naming and shaming
never works, simply because people abuse it and end up using it for mud-slinging and flaming. Also, one person's pathetic excuse is another person's solid reason.
We do have a safety measure on this site, though, where people can keep a log of your meets as a safety net within the site, keep a log of your meets and the member(s) you are meeting so should the worse happen (God forbid) then we have a log here and can hand this information over to the police if need be or just let us know where you are going and with whom - especially if you don't have your own safety net
Indeed and I can't stress enough that this area has been put in place to help protect you and allow you to leave a trace log should you need it.
We also have a complaints area where you can put a complaint in and we can review it from there.
So if we had 20 complaints about Bob Jones not showing up for meets and socials, we'd know he's no good for the site or for you guys.
I must point out that no one else will see your posts aside from staff.
You will not see anyone else's posts which is why it shows as private and why you can't see the posts in that section.