So Let's Be Serious For A Second......

  • Thread starter MickeyBlueBalls
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OK so serious second over. I have an important question to pose.....
We've had the debate on Jaffa Cakes (yes they really are cakes!)and now moving on there's just one more burning question....
Hot water in your coffee before or after the milk.......?
I'm a milk first then hot water kinda guy :)
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15 September 2014
OK so serious second over. I have an important question to pose.....
We've had the debate on Jaffa Cakes (yes they really are cakes!)and now moving on there's just one more burning question....
Hot water in your coffee before or after the milk.......?
I'm a milk first then hot water kinda guy :)
Definitely milk first. Burn the coffee otherwise. (y)


OK so serious second over. I have an important question to pose.....
We've had the debate on Jaffa Cakes (yes they really are cakes!)and now moving on there's just one more burning question....
Hot water in your coffee before or after the milk.......?
I'm a milk first then hot water kinda guy :)
Mixture or emulsion?
Easier to measure a mixture although the emulsion is easier on the eye :D
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Deleted member 3411

Theoretically as boiling water burns the coffee you should put the milk in first, however I would suggest letting the water go off the boil then add in the water finally the milk.....but then I prefer a latte...

Deleted member 1030

You must leave the water come off the boil first. Otherwise the coffee loses its flavour and tastes tinny.
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25 July 2016
I have a coffee machine and I always put the milk in last I always think that if boiling water gets poured onto milk it turns it into sterilized milk and I hate that sterilized milk taste reminds me of my childhood being forced to drink it
18 October 2015
Milk second but never make coffee with boiling water I always like to have cream floating on top of filter coffee lew


I do believe, milk was always put into the cup first..
Years ago bone china was used, too pour boiling water, into said china, teacup.. would craze the glaze, and obviously spoil, said bone china cup.
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Ok. Here is the sciencey answer.
1. First in instant coffee, other wise you singe the coffee.
2. Doesn't really matter if cafetiere, but I do milk first.
3. In tea it should be second, or it prevents the tea disolving properly.

That's my 2 pence :)
26 July 2016
If its tea then milk second as tea only brews right in boiling water.
Coffee its a drop or 2 of cold water first to stop the hot water scalding the coffee then milk if you must but far better without. Don't put milk in first or it smells like sick and that's cos the boiling water turned the milk sour.