The Social Swinging Easter Egg Hunt!

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15 September 2014


15 September 2014
Your clues are too bloody cryptic @Admin :(
Aww they're not too bad. I did make them easier here;
We have 10 hidden eggs across the site. Find them all by Easter Monday and PM me their locations. Add your name here if you found them okay?

Easy one to start;
As it happens eggs were on the menu for breakfast this morning.

What a epic thread this is. But lots of clues about you know.. (this thread maybe?)
They could be hidden in a house? (hmm house what?)
Actually searching may help you find one? Specifically what though? Easter Egg.. Hmm. (try searching keywords)
Too much sugar gives you the ........? laughs? though, doesn't it? (Is laughs a red herring?)
If stuck look closer to yours..(maybe yours but your what?)
I do wonder sometimes what Italian chocolate tastes like.. Something in the genes perhaps. :whistle: (Italian, jeans surely?)
Maybe there's one that's also wrapped up pink n fluffy? (who is pink n fluffy?)
I also often what Brandy chocolate tastes like too. Bet that's nice. What is it about Brandy? Makes you randy? (Brandy.. say no more)
Oh I know that something about Eggs was mentioned in a thread by someone. Now I wonder where that was...(literally as it says)
Either way if you don't find them all, we still have the quiz & chats to look forward to tomorrow. Always a good one that! (again what you see)
When you have found them all, bit like that Pokemon game, just tell the Boss.

:D happy hunting sexy peeps!

I also gave a clue;
Search Results for Query: Easter Eggs | Social Swinging-A FREE Swinging Site for Swingers


What happened @Sammy :whistle:

Thought I was clogging the thread up Lol

I wonder I wonder
I've tried fluttering
I've tried wiggling
I've tried bribery
I've even advised other to offer sexually favours
I've tried cheating
And god forbid I've tried the distress damsel !!!!!

Did any of it work ?
Nope it didn't

Guess I'm actually gonna have to a least try and lol

Naughty !!! Sorrry !!
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