I see no reason why our children should be in this sad state of affairs. I was a single mum of 3 for years, I went without so my kids never had to. I wouldn't eat for 2-3 days so I could put a meal on the table for my children. I know this sounds old fashioned but I even made my daughters party dresses from remnants of material or old clothes of mine.M
I work with family and kids who are at risk and vulnerable
So there are some very very sad situations thst in this day and age we shouldn't be dealing with
So I'm generally trying to find ways n means of supporting them ...
So where I work the local stats are 1 in 2 kids go to bed hungry each night , where national average is 1-5
So the heads usually buzzing with who what when where how
Anywhoooo that's one of reasons for not switching off
Why on earth are our children going hungry, why are they being mistreated when they should be the most precious thing we own?
My daughter is now a special needs teacher in a very deprived area. The stories she tells me breaks my heart. It's all so unnecessary.
So, I take my hat off to you @Sammy, you do a wonderful job in a very demanding field xx