Yep Another Single Guy Thread

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24 November 2015
3, "what would you like to see change "

There's nothing I would change . As a swinging site we defend the single gents to the best of a swinging site's abilities unlike some
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The reason for this post is that there are a lot of threads praising or berating single guys, but does anyone ever ask how they feel about the site and there experience on the site ?
That's all there is to it @meandlis :tiphat:
I kind of get your point Stew, but maybe, we should ask how the couples single ladies are finding the site.
Maybe we should ask everyone how they are finding the site? Its not always single guys that get a rough trot..
I have always been an advocate for the single guy... always.. I Know many very successful single guys in the scene.. attitude certainly plays a massive part.
But i will say.. negativity does indeed breed negativy... ;)

Deleted member 3657

I kind of get your point Stew, but maybe, we should ask how the couples single ladies are finding the site.
Maybe we should ask everyone how they are finding the site? Its not always single guys that get a rough trot..
I have always been an advocate for the single guy... always.. I Know many very successful single guys in the scene.. attitude certainly plays a massive part.
But i will say.. negativity does indeed breed negativy... ;)

I agree.
At the moment I do believe lately that a big thing has been made about us single guys. Some of you may think differently to what I am about to say but, I for one can't praise enough the help given by not only all the staff here who deserve all the credit they get but also various members. In particular @Bump-n-Grind @Looby&Lew @that_ll_do_boo @Her_him69 (apologies if I've missed others, I'm typing this at work so need to be quick) who embrace the single guys and help behind the scenes that is not always apparent.

Yes I've had my whinges, but have never felt so included before. As @meet_the_fockers said, what do others feel? How do they feel about fitting in with the dynamics of this site? This site is different and inclusive. Do they feel comfortable? Most must do because they are still here. I'm not going to pose the question of how they feel about single guys, it's been done to death lately, we know who's replied to previous posts and we know their stance. Many haven't answered and so be it. But the question needs to be (if one is needed) are all happy with how this site operates?
My little two penneth worth.


I agree.
At the moment I do believe lately that a big thing has been made about us single guys. Some of you may think differently to what I am about to say but, I for one can't praise enough the help given by not only all the staff here who deserve all the credit they get but also various members. In particular @Bump-n-Grind @Looby&Lew @that_ll_do_boo @Her_him69 (apologies if I've missed others, I'm typing this at work so need to be quick) who embrace the single guys and help behind the scenes that is not always apparent.

Yes I've had my whinges, but have never felt so included before. As @meet_the_fockers said, what do others feel? How do they feel about fitting in with the dynamics of this site? This site is different and inclusive. Do they feel comfortable? Most must do because they are still here. I'm not going to pose the question of how they feel about single guys, it's been done to death lately, we know who's replied to previous posts and we know their stance. Many haven't answered and so be it. But the question needs to be (if one is needed) are all happy with how this site operates?
My little two penneth worth.
I for one know kwaks has had his ups and downs lately.. as have a lot.. myself included.. now come on shake yourselves off brush yourselves down you lot!! As you where!! ;)
Its meant to be fun!! ;) xx


18 July 2015
Very true miss and maybe we should edit it and open it up to all I know negativity breeds negativity but if people have genuine issues they should get them out, at Easter weekend there were a couple of threads running where people shared experiences and thoughts I hope they see fit to contribute again
I see your point with people getting them out but people also come here to get away from real life and shit, I do. (y):D


Very true miss and maybe we should edit it and open it up to all I know negativity breeds negativity but if people have genuine issues they should get them out, at Easter weekend there were a couple of threads running where people shared experiences and thoughts I hope they see fit to contribute again
Experiences and thoughts are one thing Stew.. its nice to see members trusting members well enough to, share their thoughts and expreinces.
I do actually feel though, that the single guy threads have been done to death..
And threads like these, just drag the site and members down. How do i know this because members have actually come to us.. stating this..

Deleted member 3657

I know this may seem a little left field but in an interview about racism Morgan Freeman was asked how to stop it. His response? "Stop talking about it" the constant dragging it all up. (no I'm not racist, fucking far from it) (apart from the French, a whole different story, don't get me started).

My point it is if we keeping harping on about it on a site that embraces it then where are we getting? Let's move on and forget about it until at some point if it needs addressing again.