Prejudism And The Sorts

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19 March 2015
I have to point out - @The_Bibas , @DiamondJoe isn't being bigoted, negative etc.. in fact IMHO he's very left wing and trying to say that we shouldn't (as a society) have to have the need for separation, segregation and pigeon holes for sexuality and genders etc.
I think it's been lost a little in translation here, which is easily done in text rather than good conversation.
Just thought it may need pointing out/clarifying that it's the opposite here to what you may think/feel. :) x


I have to point out - @The_Bibas , @DiamondJoe isn't being bigoted, negative etc.. in fact IMHO he's very left wing and trying to say that we shouldn't (as a society) have to have the need for separation, segregation and pigeon holes for sexuality and genders etc.
I think it's been lost a little in translation here, which is easily done in text rather than good conversation.
Just thought it may need pointing out/clarifying that it's the opposite here to what you may think/feel. :) x
Prehaps it has.. But you know my instincts on people..
Anyway this blind girl is going to ride her labragreyhound out of here really Fast for fear of discrimination..



Prehaps it has.. But you know my instincts on people..
Anyway this blind girl is going to ride her labragreyhound out of here really Fast for fear of discrimination..

Sorry this "sugar tits babe
I used to love that little curly haired person on the Robertsons jam jar.
My brother had all the enamel badges on his, denim jacket.
You already know that I still have mine..
I would take a photo but.....
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Sorry this "sugar tits babe

You already know that I still have mine..
I would take a photo but.....

Yes, we still have a Jam jar badge too. We both had gollies when young (Is that word banned now? No doubt the full word is!) and G didn't like his one's stick-up hair, so cut it off with the kitchen scissors.

That expression about the dark-colured person hiding in the solid fuel stack is certainly non-PC, an MP has just been sacked for using it.:eek:

Deleted member 1030

Until there is no racism, we have to keep talking about racism. Ignoring it, glossing over it or thinking "well, I know I'm not racist, so why should I deal with it?" will not make it go away.
We still live in a world - in a country - where people are beaten up, verbally abused, denied opportunities, arrested more, just because of the colour of their skin; where sports commentators, light entertainers and even sitting MPs think it is still acceptable to use the "N word". If we don't talk about it, we are complicit in allowing it to fester.


Until there is no racism, we have to keep talking about racism. Ignoring it, glossing over it or thinking "well, I know I'm not racist, so why should I deal with it?" will not make it go away.
We still live in a world - in a country - where people are beaten up, verbally abused, denied opportunities, arrested more, just because of the colour of their skin; where sports commentators, light entertainers and even sitting MPs think it is still acceptable to use the "N word". If we don't talk about it, we are complicit in allowing it to fester.
Isn't he someone's uncle?
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18 July 2015
We are a family who are not racist and don't care if you are black, blue or pink, skin colour means nothing to us, our children attend a mixed race school and have friends from all back grounds, our youngest even joins in the Eid celebrations, what does pee me off is our other son got into serious trouble in school last week for saying to a friend of his, "whats up n...." as you do from listening to rap music and so on and listening to his black friends say it to each other all the time when communicating, but a white boy says it to a black boy and he is punished. I understand the word is awful in certain context but he was just following what his black friend says to his black friends, it was simply done harmlessly but he was almost suspended, even though the boy he said it to was fine x