Your best attributes, your worst faults

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Probably my best and worst trait is my enthusiasm, and love of diving in the deep end. It's how I get my best experiences in life, and how I've learnt most of my lessons.

Physically I'm generally comfortable with myself. Although I dislike my skin at times... but when it behaves, I just remind myself that oily skin tends to age more slowly :D


Best: I've been raised to be polite and have manners. Something I think the youth of today lack big time. I'd like to think I'm considerate and don't have an ego.
Worst: Shy and lack confidence. I can have my grumpy moments. The swinging side is also new to me so I'm learning to "share".
24 November 2015
Oooo a good thread and I wonder have some of you oldies :whistle: changed your perception on good and bad attributes and what about the newer members, would be lovely to see more commenting on this :)
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I'm far too sensitive
I tend to overthink
I'm very stubborn, especially when I think I'm right ( and I usually am )
I find it hard to accept a compliment ( always think someone taking the pee)
I'm not always honest ( if a little white lie makes someone feel good then I will tell one)
I can be a bit of a flirt
Have no time at all for hypocrites
I try to be kind and caring to all
I would give up my life for my family without hesitation
I'm grateful for all I have and have never been selfish
I would rather give than receive

Deleted member 6485

I'm far too sensitive
I tend to overthink
I'm very stubborn, especially when I think I'm right ( and I usually am )
I find it hard to accept a compliment ( always think someone taking the pee)
I'm not always honest ( if a little white lie makes someone feel good then I will tell one)
I can be a bit of a flirt
Have no time at all for hypocrites
I try to be kind and caring to all
I would give up my life for my family without hesitation
I'm grateful for all I have and have never been selfish
I would rather give than receive
To save me writing it all out again, all the above mentioned, except for i can be occasionally selfish. Nowt wrong with wanting something all to yourself (occsionally):D
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Ohhh thats a hard one... erm best. Im loyal and always honest. I care deeply for my patients. I would fight to the end, along side my freinds, when im wrong i say so.
My worst, hmmm im impulsive. I say what i think. Im stubborn.
i over think things...
Much the same..
Not much has changed... Although i do forgive occasionally..
I NEVER forget.
I give numerous chances, I hate tittle tattle..moreso those little made up stories ;) and go straight to the source.
My best ability i guess are my people skills.

I'm only hurt by those i class as close friends.. the others, it pretty much water off a ducks back.
I am brutally honest.. not always a good thing.. If you ask me, you will get the truth. X
Oh yes patience i have.. NONE.


11 August 2015
Bad ....
Sensitive and hell I can throw my teddy out of the pram.
I can worry about things too much.
I don't like leaving a job half finished.
19 March 2015
Not sure tbh. What I think I'm good at and what I'm really good at are probably not the same :)
Not blowing smoke up your backside, but I'd say you're extremely capable of making sound based judgements and arguments. You have a considerate mind and heart, and always think of others.
You're funny, and definitely think of other people's feelings when dealing with things.
Also you have a very clever approach at lateral thinking and thinking outside the box.

This is the only thing that can let you down, but you've always been man enough to admit it and are aware of it;
Sensitive and hell I can throw my teddy out of the pram.
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Not blowing smoke up your backside, but I'd say you're extremely capable of making sound based judgements and arguments. You have a considerate mind and heart, and always think of others.
You're funny, and definitely think of other people's feelings when dealing with things.
Also you have a very clever approach at lateral thinking and thinking outside the box.

This is the only thing that can let you down, but you've always been man enough to admit it and are aware of it;
Hes seeping smoke from every orafice..
I want smoke up my bum!! :rofl: :eek:


9 November 2015
I need to learn to accept compliments ,I don't often see what others do..
I always over analysis things and tend to talk myself out of doing things ..
Always apprehensive of asking for something rather than being confident ..
I always think I am at fault when things go wrong and usually feel bad even though I know I haven't done anything wrong ..
I trust too easily and usually end up getting hurt ,which makes me even more cautious in approaching things ..
I am way to sensitive ....
I always look for potential problems rather than just doing it ....
I don't like to take side but usually seem to get caught in other peoples crossfire .....
I can be sarcastic ...
I find it difficult to say no.... not interested ..

I will always try to help in anyway I can if its at all possible ...
I care about the people in my life both real and those I have still to meet ....
I need to be more selfish ,to put myself first ,what I want or need ......that probably contradicts a lot I have said ..
not sure if that's good or bad ....
I always try to think of others before my own needs ...
27 August 2017
Best attributes

Flexible, seeing other's views, empathetic, trusting, open, open to change, willing to learn, emotionally competent, loyal, admit mistakes, content, loving, sensual, forgiving, calm but energetic, getting fitter

Worst attributes

Not always truthful, intense at times, quick to anger if my values, friends, family or sense of self-worth are threatened, grumpy at times because of silly things, too trusting at times.
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