Laptop Shopping

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26 July 2016
Whilst out shopping yesterday for a new laptop we encountered a few sales people who blatantly told us lies about what the various bits of kit we looked at could do. Is it common practice to lie to customers or was it our own fault for not letting on we knew far more about buying computers than we let on.


11 August 2015
Maybe they simply don't know or have been trained incorrectly. Quite simply if you buy the item and its not as described you are covered by sales of goods act. However if you knew they were lying did you report it to the shop manager? Maybe you knew they were lying but would others?
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5 July 2016
Yeah when i bought my Samsung S8 the other week the sales guy pulled the same phone out of his pocket and explained how it was so much better than his iphone 7/8 that he pulled out of his other pocket.
My response was "why would you even have two top of the range phones mate? Great sales technique. I can see you using it to the opposite effect to customers wanting to buy an iphone!"

Also in our small 8 man workplace I overheard the trade counter lad tell a customer, this certain welding machine would last him forty or fifty years. I have no idea why he'd say something so absurd as nobody in our firm gets paid on a commission basis plus if welding machines lasted 40/50 years, I'd be out of a job considering I'm the company's Welding Machine Repair Man.

Kaz is a salesman dream, she soaks it all up like a dry sponge.
I am a salesmans worst nightmare. I have an inbuilt sales bullshit detector and I do like to toy with a salesman spinning a yarn :sneaky:

B x
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5 July 2016
Yeah when i bought my Samsung S8 the other week the sales guy pulled the same phone out of his pocket and explained how it was so much better than his iphone 7/8 that he pulled out of his other pocket.
My response was "why would you even have two top of the range phones mate? Great sales technique. I can see you using it to the opposite effect to customers wanting to buy an iphone!"

Also in our small 8 man workplace I overheard the trade counter lad tell a customer, this certain welding machine would last him forty or fifty years. I have no idea why he'd say something so absurd as nobody in our firm gets paid on a commission basis plus if welding machines lasted 40/50 years, I'd be out of a job considering I'm the company's Welding Machine Repair Man.

Kaz is a salesman dream, she soaks it all up like a dry sponge.
I am a salesmans worst nightmare. I have an inbuilt sales bullshit detector and I do like to toy with a salesman spinning a yarn :sneaky:

B x
Oh and I forgot to mention the sales guy told me
"the President has an S8 and it's rumoured he can launch Tridents nuclear strike from it."
OMG too many retorts came to my sarcastic brain all at once. I replied with "Oh yes I've seen an app for that on Google Play but i didnt bother downloading it cos it was £2.79 so I got Candycrush instead....... erm and Trident is a British Thing and erm..... well we have a Prime Minister and not a President".
My sarcasm was wasted on this particular salesman who was not deterred from his sales pitch, however I felt better :D

B x


3 February 2016
Whilst out shopping yesterday for a new laptop we encountered a few sales people who blatantly told us lies about what the various bits of kit we looked at could do. Is it common practice to lie to customers or was it our own fault for not letting on we knew far more about buying computers than we let on.
Sales is sales and most salesmen lets be kind and say stretch the truth, with computers I think the problem is many people don't know anything about what they are looking at or ask irrelevant or stupid questions.
25 September 2017
Bishop's Stortford
Most sales staff are only trained with the basics and are then given additional information to try to sell certain items to reach targets. Personally, from someone that works in IT, you are always better to ask around, and look at any forums you can come across before making any decisions. Also, try and know exactly what you are wanting from your new piece of kit. For example if you are just looking for internet, sales people can blag you all they want, if you have crap broadband there's nothing they can do.

Always happy to offer advice if needed.
18 October 2015
I have just been cold called by some guy who told me that the insurance cover that I have for my household appliances is not on their best value cover and would I like to change it over to the better one. Which in itself seems like a good sales pitch until I tell you they are not under cover with any one. He hung up when I pointed this out..... probably as well because I was about to lose my shit (as my daughter would put it):eek::D
25 February 2016
Whilst out shopping yesterday for a new laptop we encountered a few sales people who blatantly told us lies about what the various bits of kit we looked at could do. Is it common practice to lie to customers or was it our own fault for not letting on we knew far more about buying computers than we let on.

No, it's not a fault to not let on that you are knowledgeable. It's the best ploy in my opinion, as you find out who the (rare) honest salespersons are (trying not to be sexist here, but it's usually salesmen in my opinion). I always try to research what it is I want beforehand, and as suggested by @Engaging knowing what you want/need before you enter the store will help tremendously.
26 July 2016
good point I think I may well go back and see if the bloke tells more lies then see what the manager says cos it really is not on is it
26 July 2016
TBH i never intended to buy anything off the sales guy as I have friends who own a very good tech firm so I get to buy laptops and stuff at cost. Admin its the same company that you use for all your tech stuff from what I am told


15 September 2014
TBH i never intended to buy anything off the sales guy as I have friends who own a very good tech firm so I get to buy laptops and stuff at cost. Admin its the same company that you use for all your tech stuff from what I am told
Ahh okay excellent. Yes I’ve used them for years now, used to use Novatech (business accounts with both) but prefer the other one. They’re better, more reliable and quality hardware - cheaper too.
I must have spent over £25/30k with them over the years between my stuff and parts/builds for clients. Top stuff (y)
11 September 2016
Whilst out shopping yesterday for a new laptop we encountered a few sales people who blatantly told us lies about what the various bits of kit we looked at could do. Is it common practice to lie to customers or was it our own fault for not letting on we knew far more about buying computers than we let on.
Are you allowed to say which shops you went to?
26 July 2016
Well the worst we went to for telling out and out lies was PC World and the place we finally bought from Scan Computers int. A mostly online company but based in Bolton and i happen to know the owners personally. However i would have used them regardless as they are a very reputable company
11 September 2016
Well the worst we went to for telling out and out lies was PC World and the place we finally bought from Scan Computers int. A mostly online company but based in Bolton and i happen to know the owners personally. However i would have used them regardless as they are a very reputable company
Currys/PC world can be amongst the worst for in depth knowledge on any of the items they sell, not just the computer stuff. You'll find the odd girl/guy who knows their stuff but by and large they don't care.

Maplins people have been much more helpful on a range of stuffs because they all like techy stuff anyway.