Oh yeaHahahaha it is as well. Well what were the chances of me guessing that?
I have a talent for the Welsh tongue
B x
Oh yeaHahahaha it is as well. Well what were the chances of me guessing that?
I have a talent for the Welsh tongue
B x
That's not Welsh. Look at all them Vowels.Mae fy talent yn cael ei wastraffu
ond mae gennych asyn hyfrydMae fy talent yn cael ei wastraffu
breuddwydion melysThat's not Welsh. Look at all them Vowels.
B x
Taond mae gennych asyn hyfryd
Blame G@@gle translate if it's wrong
When did you see her donkey?ond mae gennych asyn hyfryd
Blame G@@gle translate if it's wrong
Sorry a Gentleman never tells on a ladyWhen did you see her donkey?
B x
Sounds like a partyWe know about Donkeys
and Beer:beer:
So getting there
It's all very easy when it's written down, isn't it? I shall be testing you all on your pronunciation in MarchSyniad da
It's all very easy when it's written down, isn't it? I shall be testing you all on your pronunciation in March
Whenever I have heard Welsh I always thought it would be easier with a skinfullBefore they have too many drinks
I always knew we was specialWelsh was used as a code language during the second world war.
The Americans used Navajo.