Ok Internet, I Love You But...

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Deleted member 3657

As for the “military ordered to use”, the story itself says that the language is encouraged. No orders. No penalties for not using it.
There are penalties for it. How do I know? I'm in the RAF and we're briefed regularly on the topic. Disciplinary action will be taken if offence is taken by anyone, despite the subject, they don't even have to be in the same room, merely passing, and if offence is taken and reported, action does get taken and get noted on the annual appraisal as well as disciplinary probation periods which can lead to formal action.


15 September 2014
So, not austerity, then? Not Trump? Not 127,000 children homeless in the UK? Not disabled people being forced back to work? Not hard-working people going without a pay rise for seven years?

It's the boy/girl thing?

Since when has thinking about having respect for people's views/beliefs/points of view been what's wrong with this country?
On the list of things that are wrong with this country and western societies, sorry but I think giving consideration to others’ feelings is so far down the list, it’s a footnote on page 293.
So I dismissed those points did I?
No, I did not. In fact I didn't include them.... I stated;
But when a boy or girl shouldn’t be called a boy or girl such as in schools - then that is a slice of exactly what is wrong with this country and Western societies.
But that's what happens when you disagree with the far left... isn't it. They make out you said something against some other part of society that you in fact, did not.

If you need an example of what I mean above, then read on;
It was noted -
As for the “military ordered to use”, the story itself says that the language is encouraged. No orders. No penalties for not using it.
Where in my original post did I mention (cite) “military ordered to use” ?
I didn't..
However I can guarantee you that if the top brass 'suggest' then that means it will happen and it will eventually be enforced and if you don't then you will be penalised for upsetting someone or causing offence etc (which when elevated and brought up, is taken very seriously).
Gentlemen, please don't cherry pick what I say and try to put words into my mouth from what I said, to what you think I said, by reading between the lines with your own beliefs and ideologies here.

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There are penalties for it. How do I know? I'm in the RAF and we're briefed regularly on the topic. Disciplinary action will be taken if offence is taken by anyone, despite the subject, they don't even have to be in the same room, merely passing, and if offence is taken and reported, action does get taken and get noted on the annual appraisal as well as disciplinary probation periods which can lead to formal action.
Righto, but a) the story quoted doesn’t say that (which was my point) and b) who gets to decide whether or not offence is - or should be - taken.

Me? Nope. Bloody hope not. Plenty of things that offend me but I’d not say they should be crimes, or breaches of the military code.

But I still remember testimonies from black soldiers who’d been abused when their fellow servicemen called it ‘banter’.

I’m more than content, as rule of thumb, for the most senior people in an organisation to decide the rules of conduct, and they appear to have done precisely that here.
17 December 2017
There are penalties for it. How do I know? I'm in the RAF and we're briefed regularly on the topic. Disciplinary action will be taken if offence is taken by anyone, despite the subject, they don't even have to be in the same room, merely passing, and if offence is taken and reported, action does get taken and get noted on the annual appraisal as well as disciplinary probation periods which can lead to formal action.
It’s the same in my job. If I say something to a colleague and someone passing by takes offence we can be seriously disciplined.
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“But that's what happens when you disagree with the far left... isn't it. They make out you said something against some other part of society that you in fact, did not.”

First off, you quoted the headlines approvingly. The headlines claimed exactly that.

Second, I genuinely can’t BEGIN to describe the hysterical laughter from friends of mine if you described me as “the far left”.

Finally, ok, I think this in and of itself shows a) the folly of discussing politics in a non politics forum, and b) that this is probably not the place for me after all.

So, thanks to everyone for the enjoyable times I’ve had here, but I’ll wander off, I think.
17 December 2017
Fincoin. Yes I totally agree with you regarding bullying disguised as banter. People mostly know how to behave. We are all adults. We just need to learn how to read people, be quick to apologise if we do inadvertently cause offence, and be prepared to look at ourselves if we are offended and ask is it me or is it really something more. Most of us can make this distinction.
I feel it’s just getting all a bit silly really.
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15 September 2014
As for the “military ordered to use”, the story itself says that the language is encouraged. No orders. No penalties for not using it.

Gosh - the papers using a headline that doesn’t reflect the story? That never happens...

Here’s something on political correctness myths: http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/528.302387-Clearing-Up-Political-Correctness-Myths
Have read that, not bad.... but outdated by 7 years. We've had an Internet explosion and use of smartphones/social media since then.
You say anything that anyone finds offensive - regardless of the nature, you will now get exposed, tried by a kangaroo court and jury, then hung drawn and quartered online via social media. It's that which is a huge issue that has been brought via the Internet.

You can't drop a pin without someone shouting it's fascist/racist/offensive.. etc etc.
People get their knickers in a twist about very little these days. Fact.
People are losing themselves on the Internet and losing touch with reality and real issues, as highlighted in previous posts.
Popping at someone because of some thing or other they said which seems offensive to someone, is just a PC bashing which oddly enough, is often a bandwagon type thing that then happens, by the very people who state that they defend it? o_O :palm:

Righto, but a) the story quoted doesn’t say that (which was my point) and b) who gets to decide whether or not offence is - or should be - taken.
But your post was a statement to me, not about the article. (y)
Fact is it was something I didn't say.

But I still remember testimonies from black soldiers who’d been abused when their fellow servicemen called it ‘banter’.

I’m more than content, as rule of thumb, for the most senior people in an organisation to decide the rules of conduct, and they appear to have done precisely that here.
Now that I do agree with - but that's racism, not current PC issues. Whatever is going on, there is no room for racism. That's just ignorant..
Fuck me, that is reductionist bullshit mate!! I disagreed with you, now I'm some sort of Khmer Rouge?
Now that's again, not what I said - is it?
My point is, you disagree with this and people go mad. Where on earth did I say anything about the below post?

So, not austerity, then? Not Trump? Not 127,000 children homeless in the UK? Not disabled people being forced back to work? Not hard-working people going without a pay rise for seven years?

It's the boy/girl thing?

Since when has thinking about having respect for people's views/beliefs/points of view been what's wrong with this country?
I didn't - but by not including it, you automatically assumed that I didn't see any of this as being the current issues either.
This is what happens though see, when people ask opinions and get answers/opinions they either do not like or do not agree with.
Since when was it, (example) acceptable for the very people who fight for "equality" bash Lewis Hamilton for saying something that he believed is correct for him to say? Posting the video yes he needed a slap for that, but for making a statement the way he did? Agreed, it was and is a bit ignorant, but don't slice him up for it in the way he was! Blimey...

Surely them attacking him is also attacking his very own equality? You know, where we're still allowed to say things without upsetting someone to the point that people then get attacked?
It's that, the current PC issues that I genuinely believe are very real and need addressing. It's getting completely over the top.

So, thanks to everyone for the enjoyable times I’ve had here, but I’ll wander off, I think.
For someone disagreeing with you, when you yourself even welcomed disagreements? :confused:


15 September 2014
Fincoin. Yes I totally agree with you regarding bullying disguised as banter. People mostly know how to behave. We are all adults. We just need to learn how to read people, be quick to apologise if we do inadvertently cause offence, and be prepared to look at ourselves if we are offended and ask is it me or is it really something more. Most of us can make this distinction.
I feel it’s just getting all a bit silly really.
Yes now that's a serious issue... this whole banter thing but is infact thinly veiled bullying. That's becoming a wider issue too sadly. (n)
17 December 2017
Ok internet. I love you but....
And this is NOT related to any previous posts here.
I have a mate (yes really) who’s 12 year old son is a really lovely boy. Kind, polite, everything you’d want a son to be. He’s been suspended for online bullying. He got brave with a school hard boy and turned to texting and social media to troll him and bully him and say some awful stuff. I think that the internet makes people brave and often brings out the worst in people.

That’s my biggest bugbear with it. I’ve seen too many damaged lives caused by online tough bored losers.

Then there is you lovely lot that are what is so good about the net. A place full of lovely people all supporting each other and creating a safe place here. Well done to all the admins, mods etc.
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24 November 2015
Ok internet. I love you but....
And this is NOT related to any previous posts here.
I have a mate (yes really) who’s 12 year old son is a really lovely boy. Kind, polite, everything you’d want a son to be. He’s been suspended for online bullying. He got brave with a school hard boy and turned to texting and social media to troll him and bully him and say some awful stuff. I think that the internet makes people brave and often brings out the worst in people.

That’s my biggest bugbear with it. I’ve seen too many damaged lives caused by online tough bored losers.

Then there is you lovely lot that are what is so good about the net. A place full of lovely people all supporting each other and creating a safe place here. Well done to all the admins, mods etc.
Couldn't agree more with online bullying my youngest went from being bullied terribly online to becoming that online bully , I took steps and actually reported her to the police
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15 September 2014
Ok internet. I love you but....
And this is NOT related to any previous posts here.
I have a mate (yes really) who’s 12 year old son is a really lovely boy. Kind, polite, everything you’d want a son to be. He’s been suspended for online bullying. He got brave with a school hard boy and turned to texting and social media to troll him and bully him and say some awful stuff. I think that the internet makes people brave and often brings out the worst in people.

That’s my biggest bugbear with it. I’ve seen too many damaged lives caused by online tough bored losers.

Then there is you lovely lot that are what is so good about the net. A place full of lovely people all supporting each other and creating a safe place here. Well done to all the admins, mods etc.
I am disappointed for your mate and his son ^^ that's really bad news. :(
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