Friday Night Games 2018

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26 May 2017
Ok first ever write up no promises it's any good but here's what i came up with :rofl::D

It’s another Friday night in the Cockwell Inn for tonight’s game of Pictionary.

With hello’s getting underway and drinks being served leaving a rather stumped @emyr wanting a cola at a all alcohol bar and Balders from @Baldricknkaz wanting a brew to sit in the all new bars bathtub to get the pink and wrinkly look.

After a shaky start with @Jessica_Rabbit and @80sbabe confusion as to where the drawing pads and crayons were located, and @Pearls making a quick wave with a brb I have to cook sausages to a shocked room of people knowing of her cooking skills and shouting for god sake love don’t set the kitchen on fire.

Tonight’s topic was films with hosts @Vanezza starting off the round with One flew over the cuckoos nest which was quickly answered by Balders. His drawing then was quickly answered by @Vanezza with Jaws. @Widel0ad1919 piped up with it’s the Balders and the Vanezza show. That was not to be and the evening kept going strong pictures of films flying out and @Cunnil doing a great Bladerunner for his first night in the Cockwell Inn and later providing some more picture art for us folk to guess. @80sbabe came out with 666 for The Omen, @debE did a good picture of snakes on a plane followed by @Jessica_Rabbit picture of an arrow through what everyone thought could have been a heart but also the world, so the dury is still out on that one. Mid way a late entrance from @MP386 who already was a pint of beer ahead. @Lebexsex who took over from @80sbabe who by this time couldn’t focus anymore after too many G&T’s, and Neil was trying to throw everyone off the scent by loading pictures of ladies bum’s n boobs with lots of ooooofs being said and a ooolala from Vanessa. After two hours and everyone a bit worse for wear and still no @Pearls but no fire brigade either much to everyone’s relief we all said our good nights. But what a night it was too until next week that is.

I had my reasons for the coke but next wk I am getting on the jack daniels,tequila,rum and some of the yummy vodka pearls was talking about
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22 May 2017
Was a fab evening @Vanezza. We joined late but had lots of fun x
Ok first ever write up no promises it's any good but here's what i came up with :rofl::D

It’s another Friday night in the Cockwell Inn for tonight’s game of Pictionary.

With hello’s getting underway and drinks being served leaving a rather stumped @emyr wanting a cola at a all alcohol bar and Balders from @Baldricknkaz wanting a brew to sit in the all new bars bathtub to get the pink and wrinkly look.

After a shaky start with @Jessica_Rabbit and @80sbabe confusion as to where the drawing pads and crayons were located, and @Pearls making a quick wave with a brb I have to cook sausages to a shocked room of people knowing of her cooking skills and shouting for god sake love don’t set the kitchen on fire.

Tonight’s topic was films with hosts @Vanezza starting off the round with One flew over the cuckoos nest which was quickly answered by Balders. His drawing then was quickly answered by @Vanezza with Jaws. @Widel0ad1919 piped up with it’s the Balders and the Vanezza show. That was not to be and the evening kept going strong pictures of films flying out and @Cunnil doing a great Bladerunner for his first night in the Cockwell Inn and later providing some more picture art for us folk to guess. @80sbabe came out with 666 for The Omen, @debE did a good picture of snakes on a plane followed by @Jessica_Rabbit picture of an arrow through what everyone thought could have been a heart but also the world, so the dury is still out on that one. Mid way a late entrance from @MP386 who already was a pint of beer ahead. @Lebexsex who took over from @80sbabe who by this time couldn’t focus anymore after too many G&T’s, and Neil was trying to throw everyone off the scent by loading pictures of ladies bum’s n boobs with lots of ooooofs being said and a ooolala from Vanessa. After two hours and everyone a bit worse for wear and still no @Pearls but no fire brigade either much to everyone’s relief we all said our good nights. But what a night it was too until next week that is.

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Stud Muffin
11 May 2017
That is epic...well done on nailing your first summary xx

Thank you babe glad you liked it :)

I was using the app on my phone which had a tendency to lock up and need refreshing every time I try to post which becomes slightly frustrating and after a few beers i couldn’t be bothered faffing about .... but what I did see looked fun even if some of the pictures confused the hell out of me.... which isn’t difficult... :p

yes it can be difficult on a phone i remember trying to do my first quiz on a phone it was a nightmare :D

Was a lot of fun... I'm sure my drawing thingy wasn't working properly I know I can't draw or anything but it was so annoying! But good banter and a good night thank you all :) xxx

It's difficult to draw on though anyway hence my 5 yr old effort :rofl: glad you enjoyed it :)

14 January 2018
Ok first ever write up no promises it's any good but here's what i came up with :rofl::D

It’s another Friday night in the Cockwell Inn for tonight’s game of Pictionary.

With hello’s getting underway and drinks being served leaving a rather stumped @emyr wanting a cola at a all alcohol bar and Balders from @Baldricknkaz wanting a brew to sit in the all new bars bathtub to get the pink and wrinkly look.

After a shaky start with @Jessica_Rabbit and @80sbabe confusion as to where the drawing pads and crayons were located, and @Pearls making a quick wave with a brb I have to cook sausages to a shocked room of people knowing of her cooking skills and shouting for god sake love don’t set the kitchen on fire.

Tonight’s topic was films with hosts @Vanezza starting off the round with One flew over the cuckoos nest which was quickly answered by Balders. His drawing then was quickly answered by @Vanezza with Jaws. @Widel0ad1919 piped up with it’s the Balders and the Vanezza show. That was not to be and the evening kept going strong pictures of films flying out and @Cunnil doing a great Bladerunner for his first night in the Cockwell Inn and later providing some more picture art for us folk to guess. @80sbabe came out with 666 for The Omen, @debE did a good picture of snakes on a plane followed by @Jessica_Rabbit picture of an arrow through what everyone thought could have been a heart but also the world, so the dury is still out on that one. Mid way a late entrance from @MP386 who already was a pint of beer ahead. @Lebexsex who took over from @80sbabe who by this time couldn’t focus anymore after too many G&T’s, and Neil was trying to throw everyone off the scent by loading pictures of ladies bum’s n boobs with lots of ooooofs being said and a ooolala from Vanessa. After two hours and everyone a bit worse for wear and still no @Pearls but no fire brigade either much to everyone’s relief we all said our good nights. But what a night it was too until next week that is.

Told you I couldn't draw
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26 May 2017
It’s nice just to have some fun and doesn’t matter whether we can draw it’s the fact that we participated in a fun and friendly evening
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Stud Muffin
11 May 2017
Right guys and gals this week I'm thinking and trying a work around which should work on chat a game of snog, marry or shag so who's in. Taking on the fact that it could change game wise. 9pm start as usual :D


Deleted member 6485

Right guys and gals this week I'm thinking and trying a work around which should work on chat a game of snog, marry or shag so who's in. Taking on the fact that it could change game wise. 9pm start as usual :D

Always count me in on Friday night frolics x
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5 July 2016
Right guys and gals this week I'm thinking and trying a work around which should work on chat a game of snog, marry or shag so who's in. Taking on the fact that it could change game wise. 9pm start as usual :D

You keep picking the wrong Friday in my two week custody cycle :palm:.
I shall try my very best to make an appearance at some point in the evening (y):)

B x


Stud Muffin
11 May 2017
Great stuff all you make Friday nights work for the games so worth it just by being there and taking part :love:

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Deleted member 1030

I seem to be up to something every time you have one of these games and this week, if everything goes according to plan, will be no different - hopefully we'll be getting messy in some Swansea drinking hole ;)
I will get to one of these games soon, I promise x


Stud Muffin
11 May 2017
As 9pm looms on this cold winters night in February and the Cockwell Inn gets crowded with the normal rabble, drinks are flowing and everyone is chatting and from the distance heading towards the seating area someone pipes up is it not games night tonight.

A bleary eyed @Vanezza looks up and goes is it, oh so it is. Everyone looks over as @Vanezza tries with all her might to gather the crowd to a silence which isn’t the easiest of tasks

Tonight’s game is Snog, marry, shag on that note a bright eyed @Widel0ad1919 who hears the words shag and hopes there is a literal shag involved, sorry chap but it’s all text.

Things got off to a slow start and folks was having trouble with celeb names to faces, either that or we was all too pissed but the jury is still out on that one.

But as the night went on we all discovered after a change of tactics by @Vanezza that we all wanted to fuck the brains out of various members here or snog them to death and marry our lovely Mr QM from @meandlis but then who wouldn’t, It’s surprising what lengths people will go to, to win the quiz.

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Stud Muffin
11 May 2017
Ok lovelies I wont be doing a games night tonight but something is planned for next week so i will keep you posted and don't forget the Friday night party thread over there lol :love::D


Deleted member 6485

Ok lovelies I wont be doing a games night tonight but something is planned for next week so i will keep you posted and don't forget the Friday night party thread over there lol :love::D

Dont forget most will be at the VA next friday V xx