So What Are The Others Up To?

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4 July 2017
Aha was that good then. :D :sneaky:
No, he was trying to get all dominant and I was just like, Nah, mate. Not happening. Sorry. And then we were wrestling and then he grabbed me from behind and my ribs popped and I told him to stop. Had another glass of wine and went back to it. Loooooong night. :)


18 July 2015
We have a lovely group of people that are regular or at least occasional contributors to these forums.

I'm not sure how many people are actually members of this site but I must admit I'm curious as to what goes on with those members that choose not to frequent these forums.

Is there a whole other world of private conversations going on with people secretly arranging little get-togethers or maybe even mass orgies that I'm missing out on? :D

Come on, spill the beans :p
I'm usually over there>>
Cleaning up all the mess you lot leave or stuck in the staff room making tea :D