Language And Words

  • Thread starter Sammy
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3 February 2016
Does how someone talks or the words they use turn you on or turn you off ?
It can do yes, I've said before how an Irish accent makes me melt but certain "common" accents are turn off as well.

P.s. I dislike the northern inclination of calling family members 'R (our) but completely and utterly hate these that use it for slight acquaintances.

P.p.s. the shortening of Matthew to math.


11 August 2015
:) of course and this is not directed at anyone it's just my personal likes/ dislikes.
Two ways at the opposite ends of the spectrum, firstly, and there is a thread about this somewhere, text speech. If you can't be arsed using normal English then don't bother me. Second those who try to show off with their command of language to the extent it's almost unreadable. I appreciate there is a time, place and audience for both but people who use either as their everyday way to communicate are, in my opinion, lets say shallow. End of today's rant.
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:) of course and this is not directed at anyone it's just my personal likes/ dislikes.
Two ways at the opposite ends of the spectrum, firstly, and there is a thread about this somewhere, text speech. If you can't be arsed using normal English then don't bother me. Second those who try to show off with their command of language to the extent it's almost unreadable. I appreciate there is a time, place and audience for both but people who use either as their everyday way to communicate are, in my opinion, lets say shallow. End of today's rant.

I've not seen that thread
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18 October 2015
I'm careful not to judge until I know someone better. In the last two weeks a phrase came through in a message from someone we had agreed to meet socially and we both thought this isn't going to be for wrong would we have been? Having said that if the opening message had been like that we would never have moved beyond the first message.

I have from time to time chatted to some very eloquent gents who have turned out to be complete ass hats.

I have chatted to some who could be whispering the contents of a telephone directory in my ear and I would still be turned on....

No rules for me I suppose. I'll give everyone a chance but the real person will out whatever the words and then I'll make a decision xx
19 March 2015
Does how someone talks or the words they use turn you on or turn you off ?
It definitely can do, yes. Using the correct approach can get both of us thinking on things and catch our attention.
That said the same can be said for the opposite; the wrong approach can quickly turn us away from whomever and lose interest. Seduce the mind and all that. x


It definitely can do, yes. Using the correct approach can get both of us thinking on things and catch our attention.
That said the same can be said for the opposite; the wrong approach can quickly turn us away from whomever and lose interest. Seduce the mind and all that. x

Oh now ... I always say that the mind is biggest sexual organ ... intrigue my mind and well lol I'll stop at that lol

Deleted member 3657

Text speak is a huge turn off and shows complete laziness. Not just what we say but how it's written is an advert to who we are. Correct spelling is important also. There's a difference between "knowing YOU'RE shit" and "knowing YOUR shit"
It can make reading posts difficult to understand and if people don't get what you are trying to say they will just simply scroll past.
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Deleted member 3657

May I add briefly, dyslexia aside, laziness is no excuse. I've attended courses, worked with and taught people with dyslexia and it's clear when people make an effort or are simply lazy. I won't use the word thick, because the only thing stopping someone from learning correct spelling and grammar is laziness to go find out. Google is a great tool.
I know some of my posts don't read correctly but that's me typing too quick and not editing in time before I no longer can.
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24 November 2015
I do have a bad habit of text speak ,usually to friends and also on here , but after hours of computer work ,ordering ,making sure everything is correct spelling wise ,I get lethargic in my text wording so a yes becomes yep or yeah or how are you becomes how's u
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19 March 2015
May I add briefly, dyslexia aside, laziness is no excuse. I've attended courses, worked with and taught people with dyslexia and it's clear when people make an effort or are simply lazy. I won't use the word thick, because the only thing stopping someone from learning correct spelling and grammar is laziness to go find out. Google is a great tool.
I know some of my posts don't read correctly but that's me typing too quick and not editing in time before I no longer can.

As I've mentioned previously about this subject, there's a huge difference between being say dyslexic and having sheer laziness. Agreed.
Oh now ... I always say that the mind is biggest sexual organ ... intrigue my mind and well lol I'll stop at that lol
Absolutely. We both love the intensity of a good message/discussion/chat which can not necessarily be graphic in nature, but erotic and arousing. ;) x

Deleted member 3657

There's a reason that books aren't written in text speak....


I do have a bad habit of text speak ,usually to friends and also on here , but after hours of computer work ,ordering ,making sure everything is correct spelling wise ,I get lethargic in my text wording so a yes becomes yep or yeah or how are you becomes how's u

It's so easy to slip I have to say , especially when you need to be ultra precise at work etc

I type to fast n make mistakes n don't check and of course I always slip yer instead of your,


Deleted member 3657

Now decide which you'd prefer....

"I want to hold you, kiss your neck, your lips and to make you feel sexy. You're going to be wet from my fingers caressing and stroking your clit."


"I wnt 2 hld u n kiz ur nek n ur lipz an 2 make u fill sxy. Your guna b wet fm my fingerz tuchin an strokin ur clit"

50 Shades of Grey wouldn't have had the same impact of it was written like the latter.


Now decide which you'd prefer....

"I want to hold you, kiss your neck, your lips and to make you feel sexy. You're going to be wet from my fingers caressing and stroking your clit."


"I wnt 2 hld u n kiz ur nek n ur lipz an 2 make u fill sxy. Your guna b wet fm my fingerz tuchin an strokin ur clit"

50 Shades of Grey wouldn't have had the same impact of it was written like the latter.

Valid point
Although I'm sure it works for some