Hello all
Some around here will be aware that I enjoy (and find it quite a turn on actually) buying "sexy things".
These can range from overtly sexy items such as blatantly rude underwear for a girl I'm seeing through the gamut of fantastic sex toys and BDSM gear available these days. And to what some people would consider mundane items such as UV paint (they may not realise what I intend to use it for )
Anyway, I digress, as usual, my point is that because of my buying habits I'm a recipient of marketing material from one or two sites I visit.
I'm talking LoveHoney and Bondara.
Fucking Hell.
I love a lot of the gear from both of them but really, I seem to be getting these unmissable, must end in 6 hours, special offers at the rate, it seems, of at least two a day.
It's starting to really annoy me.
I'm beginning to delete them without even perving over the pictures.
So I fear it may be time for me to cancel my subscriptions.
Which is a shame because getting an email from them from time to time from them is quite nice and would almost certainly prompt me into buying
So does anyone else get the same thing?
I suppose one thing we men can be extremely grateful for is the increased effectiveness of spam filters.
We now don't receive an endless amount of emails telling us we're inadequate individuals with tiny willies whose woman is undoubtedly shagging that bloke down the road with the enormous cock that he's got due to the pills he's taking.
But fear not
If you buy our pills, not only will your cock be even bigger but because of it you'll become so sexually attractive to women you'll be able to fuck any of them you want and won't care about your wife shagging that bloke an more.
Antogs xx
Some around here will be aware that I enjoy (and find it quite a turn on actually) buying "sexy things".
These can range from overtly sexy items such as blatantly rude underwear for a girl I'm seeing through the gamut of fantastic sex toys and BDSM gear available these days. And to what some people would consider mundane items such as UV paint (they may not realise what I intend to use it for )
Anyway, I digress, as usual, my point is that because of my buying habits I'm a recipient of marketing material from one or two sites I visit.
I'm talking LoveHoney and Bondara.
Fucking Hell.
I love a lot of the gear from both of them but really, I seem to be getting these unmissable, must end in 6 hours, special offers at the rate, it seems, of at least two a day.
It's starting to really annoy me.
I'm beginning to delete them without even perving over the pictures.
So I fear it may be time for me to cancel my subscriptions.
Which is a shame because getting an email from them from time to time from them is quite nice and would almost certainly prompt me into buying
So does anyone else get the same thing?
I suppose one thing we men can be extremely grateful for is the increased effectiveness of spam filters.
We now don't receive an endless amount of emails telling us we're inadequate individuals with tiny willies whose woman is undoubtedly shagging that bloke down the road with the enormous cock that he's got due to the pills he's taking.
But fear not
If you buy our pills, not only will your cock be even bigger but because of it you'll become so sexually attractive to women you'll be able to fuck any of them you want and won't care about your wife shagging that bloke an more.
Antogs xx