Another milestone - 2500 members!

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15 September 2014
Absolutely.. Thank you!
Indeed, have been watching and waiting and then we hit the 2500 mark. I just cannot believe how quickly we are growing and how dynamic the site is.
Thank you Mr @Steed99 for noticing and your kind words, and also thank you too very much @zebo for your kind words and encouraging support.

We honestly do work our buns off and it's clearly paying off.
Thank you so much for being a part of this amazing site.
We're continuously growing and have members constantly joining, yes I know there's some things that need addressing on the site - I'm well aware of one or two things which need managing, but with members joining constantly I do believe it reflects on where we are heading.

Thank you :) x
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22 August 2015
Absolutely fantastic, 2500 so soon and growing daily, down to everyone's efforts but especially staff and of course @Admin and @Pearls without your efforts would be no site and without your presence here hourly never mind daily, this site just would not be the same. I'm sure I speak for everyone, thank you and congratulations on building a truly fantastic site, long may continue and grow xx


18 July 2015
Absolutely fantastic, 2500 so soon and growing daily, down to everyone's efforts but especially staff and of course @Admin and @Pearls without your efforts would be no site and without your presence here hourly never mind daily, this site just would not be the same. I'm sure I speak for everyone, thank you and congratulations on building a truly fantastic site, long may continue and grow xx
Thanks both xxx
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15 September 2014
Absolutely fantastic, 2500 so soon and growing daily, down to everyone's efforts but especially staff and of course @Admin and @Pearls without your efforts would be no site and without your presence here hourly never mind daily, this site just would not be the same. I'm sure I speak for everyone, thank you and congratulations on building a truly fantastic site, long may continue and grow xx
Thank you very much indeed both (y) x
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Oldest Swinger In Town
15 September 2015
We don't want to be flooded. We want good genuine members, and remember = we WILL be capping.
Yes, I totally agree. It's quality rather than quantity, and having members that want to be active here. If it grows too big the current wonderful interaction between the SS team and members will be impossible to maintain.


You can check the running total yourself. Click on 'Forums' in the top tool bar and then look for the right hand box marked 'Forum Statistics'. The current number of members is right there. Simples!

Thanks for your advice :)
I am blonde though and can't find where you mean :/


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