Couldn't help but laugh reason I won't play scary games in vr I freak out enough in normal mode, honestly my poor cousin sitting next to me whilst playing a horror game I make him jump Everytime I shout
. Been playing get off my lawn for a week or so and I thought level 10 was mental but found out today level 11 is insane. You should hear the swears that exit my mouth words Neil has never heard me say ever before
i have this is truly terrifying isn't it have bought a load of different titles for it now lots of fun but really messes with your eyes after a while.
I'm in a garage with a police man face to face talking and suddenly the edge of a shovel comes out of his face and half his head falls off.
The nutter wielding the shovel starts chasing me.
I run around the garage find some car keys, brilliant. I jump in the car, lock the door, put keys in the ignition when said nutter jumps in front of car.
I accelerate and ram him into a wall, reverse, accelerate him to the wall again, reverse and ram him again, then he slides out of view, gets on top of the car, rips the car roof off, sits next to me and starts punching me in the face (this is very real in VR).
All Kaz can hear is me shouting "You better get the fuck away from me........." (my actual language was far worse than that).
The car sets on fire, I get out of the car, the nutter sets on fire and he's still coming for me, I'm trying to hack away at him with a knife, he falls down dead, I turn into a maniac trying to cut his head off with a knife, but can't (everybody knows zombies die when you chop their head off
). I see a ladder then I start talking to the dead zombi
"You see that ladder over there. I'm going to climb it and you better stay fucking dead or God help you"
Kaz starts to think I've turned into a psychopath.
I start to climb the ladder and guess what??? The zombi is back alive, grabs my leg, pulls me off the ladder, puts his face right up into mine, puts a gun to his own chin and says "you want to see something fucking crazy?" (Yes there is a lot of swearing in this game) and he blows his own head off............... then he starts twitching again.
I'm up the ladder, into the next room, save my game, rip the headset off and say to Kaz
"Right that's it I'm done! I just don't need that in my life".
Kaz said "It cost me £50, you better finish it".
Thank God for
@meandlis. I've explained to Kaz he hosting a quiz tonight and attendance is mandatory
B x