Hello all you lovelies hope your all well. Just wanted to pop in and say I am well and doing OK. I lost my way for a bit and confidence and belief in myself went but it is coming back slowly. Still going to not be around much at all as it is still a work in progress but I'm getting there. BTW if this is the wrong thread to put it in please move it to somewhere more suited lol.
Hiya both.
You know, only last week
@Pearls and I were discussing some things about you actually. We’d noticed a change over the last few weeks and we were wondering what it was, now we know obviously.
So suffice to say that we’d most definitely noticed a change. Neil doesn’t seem to be on here much either lately too. So whatever has happened, we both hope you get it sorted and back on track ASAP.
As with everyone else really, we all take knocks and get some hard times in all aspects of life. Swinging however can be serious and have detrimental and damaging effects when your confidence gets knocked, sometimes can be in the most meanest of ways too.
You’re not alone, we all have experienced it one way or the other with this lifestyle and all we can say is; it will get better and you will get over this.
You both know where we are if you need us.
You’ll also find that everyone will be as supportive as they can be as we’ve all mostly had the same issues before.
Take care and take all the time you need. X